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时间:2023-05-23 21:48来源:毕业论文

摘    要随着国家经济结构的转型,政府支持互联网产业的兴起且迅猛发展,处在白热化的情势下,传统行业与互联网的结合也成为趋势。现如今,旅游市场与互联网的结合越来越紧密。国内旅游市场发展至今,同质化、单一式、粗放式的旅游产品模式对现如今的消费者来说,已经难以满足了。特色主题的旅游越来越吸引游客的眼球,特色旅游引申出的景区周边特色化的住宿环境也备受游客青睐。民宿,就是以特色住宿的一种形态存在。88888


毕业论文关键词:互联网; 民宿; 营销策略;乌镇

Abstract With the transformation of national economic structure, the government support the rise of the Internet industry and the rapid development, in the heated situation, the combination of traditional industries and the Internet has become a trend。 Nowadays, the combination of tourism market and the Internet is more and more closely。 Until today in development of domestic tourism market, the homogeneity, the vulgar and the single type of tourism product model is difficult to meet the tastes of today's consumers already。 Characteristic tourism increasingly attract the attention of tourists, tourism characteristics lead to the scenic spots around the characteristic of lodging environment also favored by tourists。 A home stay facility, is a kind of special accommodation form。源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

Internet marketing has become a development trend of the existing tourist accommodation, how to understand and use of the Internet marketing, make good use of modern information technology, the promotion of the marketing level of home stay facility, is the meaning of this study。 In a home stay facility wuzhen marketing strategy as the research object, through the analysis, points out that the marketing strategy of the existing problems of wuzhen home stay facility, and aimed at to improve the optimization countermeasures are put forward。 

  Keyword:  Internet;  home stay facility;  marketing strategy;  Wuzhen

目    录


1绪论 1

1。1选题背景 1

1。2文献综述 1

1。3研究意义 2

2乌镇民宿产业的实证研究 2

2。1乌镇民宿的介绍 2

2。2数量统计 2

2。3价格分析 2

2。4民宿平均客容量分析 3

3互联网背景下乌镇民宿营销策略研究 3

3。1民宿形成的产品策略 3

3。2 价格成本策略 4

3。3线上销售的渠道策略 4

3。4多元的促销策略 4

4乌镇民宿营销策略的优势及存在的问题 5

4。1乌镇民宿营销策略的优势 5

4。2乌镇民宿营销策略存在的问题 5

5探究民宿营销策略不足的根源 互联网背景下民宿的营销策略研究以乌镇为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_170635.html
