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时间:2023-07-16 17:02来源:毕业论文


Abstract:E-commerce boom in the development of the environment, how to get more traffic is the primary goal of many businesses。 Through the train as Taobao most basic way to pay to pay, access to many businesses of all ages。 The official goal of the train is to enhance customer satisfaction, so the rules of the train has been changing, I believe that the trend of 2017 through the train is to promote the crowd。 After the train upgrade, the crowd and the shop are tagged and matched by their respective labels to obtain more accurate and valuable traffic。 I will through their own actual operation, from the precise crowd, directed to promote and through train and wishful combination of these three aspects of operation, summed up the operation skills and give the results of the analysis。 So as to help more businesses to carry out valuable through train promotion。


Key words:Taobao through train; crowd tag; search crowd; selected crowd; targeted promotion; wishful vote


第一章。绪论 4

1。1研究背景 4

1。2研究的目的及意义 5

1。3国内外研究现状 6

第二章。基于淘宝网的直通车推广概述 7

2。1定义及推广原理 7

2。2计费方式 7

2。3展示位置 8

2。4直通车的作用以及操作流程 8

2。4。1引流并带来转化 8

2。4。2测款 9

2。4。3测图 9

2。4。4圈定目标人群 10

第三章。直通车精选源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 人群推广 11

3。1精选人群概念 11

3。2直通车精选人群推广实际操作分析 12

第四章。直通车定向推广 18

4。1直通车定向推广概念 18

4。2直通车定向推广实际操作分析 19

第五章。直通车+如意投 23

5。1淘宝客以及如意投的概念 23

5。2直通车+如意投推广的实际操作分析 23

第六章。总结 26



根据analysys易观数据显示,2016年中国网上零售市场规模达4。97万亿元,同比增长29。6%。其中,B2C市场交易达2。73万亿元,同比增长36%,高于网络零售市场增长。中国网络购物用户在规模、人均消费额以及交易活跃度方面均实现大规模提升。截止2016年6月,中国网购用户达4。6亿人,网购用户占整体网民比例不断提升。就现在而言,不管是平台还是商家新进入者的门槛都是非常高的,这是因为中国零售电商市场正开始进入发展成熟期。来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766 基于淘宝网的直通车新推广方式研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_186066.html
