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时间:2023-07-29 18:07来源:毕业论文

摘    要随着我国政治经济等各方面的全面发展,旅游业随之日益蓬勃发展。因而相伴于旅游业随之应运而生的饭店业也在我国的经济发展中占有至关重要的地位。然而随着社会的发展和时代的变化,我国饭店业随之也面临着诸多产品营销的相关问题,例如营销模式过于老套,仅仅是停留在如何了解竞争对手,却忘记了挖掘自身潜力以战胜对手的道理等等。因而本文作者结合自身曾在某国际品牌的酒店实习半年之工作经验再加以对于饭店营销的相关调研,并在掌握市场营销管理相关知识的基础上,为我国饭店业营销竞争提供新策略。89468

Abstract With the comprehensive development of China's political economy and other aspects, the tourism industry has become increasingly vigorous development。 And thus accompanied by the tourism industry came into being the hotel industry is also in our country's economic development occupies a vital position。 However, with the development of society and the changes of the times, China's hotel industry is also faced with a lot of product marketing related issues, such as marketing model is too old-fashioned, just stay in how to understand the competitors, but forget to tap their own potential to overcome Opponents of the truth and so on。 Therefore, the author of this article in combination with their own in an international brand hotel internship for half a year of work experience and then to the hotel marketing related research, and in the grasp of marketing management on the basis of knowledge, for our hotel industry business competition to provide new strategies。

毕业论文关键词:饭店业发展; 面临的问题; 结合实例; 新策略 

  keyword: Hotel industry development; the problem we are facing; combined example; the new strategies; 

目    录

摘    要 2

引言 5

一.当前我国饭店业营销竞争的现状及原因分析 5

(一)当前我国饭店业营销竞争的现状 5

1。 过于直白,呆板的销售方式 5

2。 不合理的管理 6

3。 资源消耗加大成本的投入 6

(二)当前我国饭店业经营问题的原因分析 6

1。 传统的模式 6

2。 恶意竞争,不注重回头客 6

3。 对酒店营销的理解不到位 6

4。 品牌知名度不高 6

二.饭店业营销竞争策略改进、创新带来的影响及其必要性 7

(一)饭店业营销策略创新的影响 7

(二)饭店业营销策略创新的必要性 7

三.饭店业营销竞争的新策略 7

(一)饭店业营销外部新策略 7

1。提高品牌的知名度源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 ,打响自己的招牌 7

2。提高顾客忠诚度,与此同时发展新客户 8

3。可持续发展的绿色营销模式 8

(1) 酒店需要开源节流 8

(2) 部分物品循环利用 9
