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时间:2023-07-29 18:15来源:毕业论文

摘    要旅游景区是旅游吸引物的基本主要载体,也便意味着其是旅游者活动的主要场所之一,亦是游客需要花费较长时间停留的场所。安全需要既是马斯洛在需求层次理论中所提到的人类生存阶段的基本需求之一也是影响旅游主体即旅游者的感知的基本因素。因此游客安全管理对景区的可持续发展起着关键性的作用。修文县的桃源河景区作为其县唯一列入贵州省“五个100工程”中“100个旅游景区”的旅游区,已投资超1。2亿元[1]。然而作为一个高投入的政府重点扶持景区在作者本人的实地考察体验下却在游客安全管理方面存在着诸多的问题及隐患。因此为使桃源河景区实现可持续性的长足稳定发展,本文将通过文献理论研究法以及实证研究实地观察的方法,提出桃源河景区现存的在游客安全管理方面的不足以及相应的应对措施。并期望为我国的旅游景区游客安全管理建设提供一些理论依据和建设性意见。89470

Tourism scenic areas are the major and basic carrier of tourist attractions, it also means that they are one of the main places of tourist activities, and also are the places for tourists taking a long time to stay。 Security needs not only are mentioned in Maslow's hierarchy theory of needs as one of the basic requirements of the stage of human survival but also are the basic factor which will influence the tourists (tourism subject)' perception。 For this reason, the tourist safety management plays a key role in the sustainable development of scenic spots。 As the only scenic sport which is listed in Gui Zhou province’s “five kinds of 100 projects” and “100 tourism scenic areas” in Xiu Wen county, Tao Yuan river scenic area have been invested over 120 million Yuan[1]。 However, as a scenic spot which need high investment and get strong support from the government, Tao Yuan river scenic area still have a lot of problems and hidden troubles in tourists safety management by author's own field trips and experiences。 Therefore, this paper will bring up some Tao Yuan river scenic area’s extant shortcomings and countermeasures in tourists safety management by the literature theory methodology,  empirical research and observational method to achieve the sustainable and stable development of Tao Yuan river scenic area。 In this way, the author hope to provide some theoretical bases and constructive suggestions for the development of tourist safety management of Chinese tourism attractions。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

毕业论文关键词:旅游景区; 游客安全管理; 桃源河景区

Keyword: tourism attractions; tourists safety management; Tan Yuan river scenic area 

目    录

一、 引言 1

(一) 研究背景 1

(二) 研究意义 1

(三) 研究方法 2

二、 游客安全管理研究综述 2

(一) 国外相关研究综述 2

(二) 国内相关研究综述 3

(三) 相关研究评价 3

三、 桃源河景区游客安全管理现状分析 3

(一) 桃源河景区概况 3

(二) 桃源河景区游客安全来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766 管理现状 4

四、 桃源河景区游客安全管理存在的问题 4

五、 优化桃源河景区游客安全管理的对策 旅游景区的游客安全管理以贵州桃源河景区为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_189890.html
