Tourism marketing plan of Jiangnan Farming Cultural Garden
Abstract: Jiangnan Farming Cultural Garden is a modern agricultural leisure tourism park with the theme of agricultural culture. This article is the marketing plan of the Jiangnan Farming Cultural Garden. The paper conducted the literature review, on-the-spot investigation and questionnaire survey to understand the basic situation of the farming garden, tourists travel behavior and intention, and evaluation of the satisfaction of all visitors to the park. Then, on the basis of the analysis this paper pointed out the park construction and the existing problems in the development of tourism marketing and deficiencies, using the marketing theory and method on the system of tourism marketing planning. I hope this article will provide some useful guidance for the development of the Farming Cultural Garden.
Keywords: Farming Cultural Garden ; rural tourism ; marketing plan
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Keywords 1
一、园区简介与策划目标 2
(一)园区简介 2
(二)园区主要旅游景点介绍 2
(三)园区旅游营销现状及问题 3
(四)策划目的与策划目标 4
二、市场竞争与SWOT分析 4
(一)市场竞争分析 4
(二)SWOT分析 5
三、消费者旅游需求调查与分析 6
(一)数据来源 6
(二)样本特征 6
(三)消费者旅游需求分析 7
四、营销诊断与简要结论 11
五、江南农耕文化园旅游营销战略策划 12
(一)园区旅游定位 12
(二)策划思路 12
(三)市场开发与发展目标 12
优尔、江南农耕文化园旅游营销项目与促销策划 13
(一)园区景点与旅游项目策划 13
(二)旅游营销活动策划 13
(四)旅游促销策划 14
致 谢 15
参考文献 15
附件:调查问卷 16
江南农耕文化园,是永联村投资五千万元建设的以农耕文化为主题,集农耕文化展示、农业观光、农业休闲、农事操作、美食品尝和民俗体验为一体的现代农业休闲旅游园区。园区按照“缩小比例的江南水乡、功能丰富的休闲农庄、农耕主题的文化走廊”总体设想进行规划建设,意在让游客在饱览江南美景、欣赏江南田园风光、品江南美食的同时,深度体验江南的农耕文化、农业文明和新农村建设所取得的非凡成就。 江南农耕文化园旅游营销策划+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_19610.html