Abstract:With the development of China's economy, more and more foreign brands enter the Chinese market, and form a high-end market monopoly。 domestic cosmetic brand only live on low-end market development, the prospects are grim。 But herborist t is an exception, she broke the spell of “made in china”。After more than ten years of construction and development of the brand, Herborist with "Chinese herbal, natural skin care" of the brand positioning, Successful entried into overseas markets and became the high-end cosmetics brands which attracted the world’s attention。 This paper mainly analyzes the current marketing strategy of Herborist and its existing problems。I have offered some suggestions aiming at these problems in this paper。Hopeing through the analysis of this article can play a positive role in the development of the Herborist,and also have some reference for the development of local enterprises。
Keywords: herborist, cosmestic, market strategy
目 录
1 引言 3
2 文献综述 3
3 佰草集国际营销现状分析 4
3。1 产品概况 4
3。2 中高端定价 5
3。3 出口模式 5
3。4 主要使用的促销手段 6
4 佰草集国际营销战略中存在的问题 6
4。1 产品线弹性较差 6
4。2 高端产品缺乏 8
4。3 国际销售模式单一 9
4。4 广告投入太少 9
5 佰草集营销组合策略的改进方案 10
5。1 梳理自身品牌,优化产品结构 10
5。2 积极拓展高端系列 11
5。3 创建企业自管渠道 12
5。4 增加套装,提高品牌知名度 12
结论 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
1 引言
近年来,中国化妆品市场展现出极大的魅力,吸引了众多的外国品牌。在众多高端日化品牌入驻中国的同时。本土日化品牌被逐渐挤压并走向低靡。在高端化妆品的柜台上几乎见不到任何本土品牌。伴随1998年佰草集的问世,中国药妆行业开始走向世界。佰草集是我国第一套具有完整意义的现代中草药个人护理品,她以其独特的产品定位和丰富的品牌文化内涵,成功地打开了国内外高端化妆品品牌的市场,成为国产化妆品品牌的领头羊。研究分析佰草集的营销战略,可以为我国本土日化产业提供经验,帮助更多的本土品牌摆脱低端形象,走有自己特色的市场路线,更好的开拓国内外市场。 佰草集国际营销战略中存在的问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_197720.html