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时间:2024-04-29 21:43来源:95254



Research on Competitive Strategy of Third Party Payment Platform

Abstract:China's modern economy and the internet are in a period of rapid development. Online shopping is also becoming an indispensable habit of modern people, and this is inevitable to generate payment transactions. As a new industry, competition is becoming more and more fiercely. As the industry, how to make a new way in the persified payment means, expand its own business model, as an enterprise, how to stand out from the market in today's third-party payment market, to form competitiveness, is worth thinking. This paper introduces the theory and operation principle of the third party payment platform of internet financial machine. According to the present situation of third party payment in China, the market situation, competition mode, competitive environment industry, value chain and payment mode of the third party payment are combed. Under the situation of full understanding of the situation, take company treasure as a case, SWOT analysis, think that under the current competition  conditions, can choose growth, torsion, persification and defensive specific competition strategy. And think that pay treasure company want to obtain a better competitive ability, need from persification management and attention to competitive cooperation relationship. At the same time, in view of the third party industry in China, this paper proposes to strengthen the industrial development and government supervision, to promote the overall competitiveness of the third party industry. Through the analysis and suggestions of this paper, hope that the development of the third-party payment industry can be more health, safety, standardization and long-term.

Keywords:third party payment;information industry;internet finance;economic management

1绪论 8

1.1研究背景及意义 8

1.2文献综述 8

1.2.1国外文献综述 8

1.2.2国内文献综述 9

1.3研究方法 9

1.3.1文献研究法 9

1.3.2比较分析法 9

1.3.3定性分析及案例分析法 10

1.4研究思路与创新点 10 第三方支付平台的竞争策略研究+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203611.html
