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时间:2024-04-29 21:41来源:95253


The Application of SPC in the Quality Improvement of Mobile Phone Assembly Industry

Abstract:Quality of the product is manufactured, rather than tested, hence, it is necessary to monitor various manufacturing and production stages of the production process and quantify the data of the various stages.

In this paper, according to the assembly pass rate of mobile phone of packaging process, the data collected in the production process are analyzed by mathematical statistical tools, and the reason of assembly failure is analyzed deeply. 5M1E is used to analyze the cause of adverse factors comprehensively, and for the main factors further analysis and improvement will be done. For the defective number, the P control chart and the process capability analysis for the binomial distribution are used. In this paper, due to the low product defect rate, P control chart cannot be sensitive to the detection of abnormalities, so the CUSUM control chart is used to do further analysis.

In the case analysis, we find the complementary effect of the traditional Shewhart control chart and the CUSUM chart. At the same time, through 5W1E, the main factors that cause the quality of packaging are  determined,  and  suggestions  for improvement are put forward.

Keywords: quality management; statistical process control; P control chart; CUSUM control char


0引言 1

1A企业简介和质量现状 2

2SPC基本理论以及分析方法 5

2.1 SPC概述以及P控制图介绍 5

2.2控制图设计原理 6

2.3CUSUM控制图介绍 8

3SPC在A企业产品生产的应用 10

3.1数据搜集 10

3.2P控制图分析数据 12

3.3CUSUM控制图分析数据 15

3.4分析主要不良因素 19

3.5质量改进方案 22

结论 24

致谢 25

参考文献 26



现在的手机不仅仅是单一的通讯工具,已经成为一个集合多媒体和信息的终端设备。在智能机时代,由于企业分工加快了生产效率,手机代工厂便由此而生。A企业就是一家OEM(OriginalEquipmentManufacturer)性质的手机代工厂。OEM是指品牌公司负责研发以及设计,代工厂负责生产以及加工的模式。作为代工厂,要面对降低生产成本、加快市场反应速度和提髙产品质量的三重压力,而在任一方面的疏忽都有可能让企业陷入困境.这就要求制造企业更加重视生产过程的控制,有力地协调好三者间的关系,这样,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中生存下来[1]。 5W1E方法SPC在A企业手机装配质量提升中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203610.html
