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时间:2020-06-09 20:19来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 美团;大众点评网;新美大;团购;O2O

Research about the merge between MeiTuan.com and DianPing.com

Abstract: in this paper, the MeiTuan.com and the DianPing.com before and after the integration of the status quo, the use of the situation and the future development of empirical research. MeiTuan.com and  DianPing.com as the highest amount of current users buy site, they have the advantage of each. Through literature online access to research MeiTuan.com and  DianPing.com integration and business strategy, business model and financing by summarizing method carries on the analysis to the operational status of MeiTuan.com and  DianPing.com integration. Through the study, found that MeiTuan.com and  DianPing.com after the integration, in the amount of user information, preferential policies have been greatly improved. CHINAINTERNETPLUS (MeiTuan.com and DianPing.com integration after the name) was established, the integration will be the inevitable trend of the future that the group buys a website to survival. And the empirical study of the integration of MeiTuan.com and DianPing.com can further learn from their successful experience.

Keywords: MeiTuan.com; DianPing.com; CHINAINTERNETPLUS; O2O

目  录

 一、绪论 1

  (一)课题的研究目的和意义 1

  1、目的 1

2、意义 1

(二)课题的研究现状和发展趋势 1

  1、课题研究现状 1

2、课题发展趋势 1

(三)课题的可行性研究 2

1、课题的市场调查研究 2

2、课题的统计性研究 2

二、美团和大众点评网的经营战略整合分析 3

(一)美团经营战略分析 3

1、经营战略 3

2、优势 3

3、美团经营战略面临的挑战 4

(二)大众点评网经营战略分析 4

  1、经营战略 4

2、优势 5

3、大众点评网经营战略面临的挑战 5

(三)新美大经营战略分析 6

1、新美大经营战略 6

2、新美大经营战略优势 7

三、美团和大众点评的商业模式整合分析 8

(一)美团商业模式分析 8

1、商业模式 美团和大众点评网整合的实证研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_53874.html
