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时间:2024-05-10 22:35来源:95347



Research on the Operation Strategy of Modern Enterprise Data Based on "Internet——Case - based Operation Analysis Based on Regression Model

Abstract:With this "Internet +" era of the arrival of data operations gradual into the business decision-making management. This paper focused on the current business in today's environment, to make the business transformation decision. Operational literature survey, theoretical research, Case analysis method, from the theory and practice of two aspects of the subject analysis and research.For the combination of modern Internet related materials related, specifically summarized, analysis and synthesis, to reveal its linkage. In this paper, the regression analysis Model is established, and the operation status of small and medium-sized enterprises is analyzed and studied, and the transition strategy is explored. And then the actual operation of the case business strategy to make an assessment of pre-evaluation, to identify deficiencies and Put forward more recommended recommendations. Finally, summarize the views of the article, and explore the subject of research.

Key words: "Internet +", data operations, regression prediction, regression analysis


0引言 1

1.企业数据化运营背景分析 2

1.1研究背景 2

1.2研究目标 2

1.3研究意义 2

1.4研究内容 3

2.国内外研究现状 4

2.1国内研究现状 4

2.2国外研究现状 5

2.3述评 6

3.“互联网+”环境下企业数据化运营现状及分析 6

3.1“互联网+”下企业数据化运营内涵 6

3.2“互联网+”下企业数据化运营状况分析 7

3.3“互联网+”下企业数据化运营面临的困难 8

4.“互联网+”环境下的企业运营回归分析模型构建 9

4.1回归分析预测模型方法介绍 9

4.2模型构建的注意点与相关概念 9

4.3回归分析预模型的步骤 10

5.回归分析模型分析预测斯派特光电销售数据 15

5.1斯派特光电发展现状 15

5.2回归分析预测 17

6.结论与展望 互联网+下现代企业数据化运营策略研究回归模型的实例运营分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203762.html
