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时间:2024-05-10 22:38来源:95348







Exploratory Analysis on Students’ Performance of Information Management and Information System in Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Abstract:Information management and information system of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology aims to cultivate students who possess management and computer science knowledge and can suit the trend of the development of period. In order to achieve the aim, researchers and teachers of Information management and information system according to follow-up educational philosophy to examine, revise and alter teaching program periodically, which can ensure the actually effect of teaching program in actual work.

With the weight index which has been defined by teaching program, this paper propose to analyze and evaluate the teaching work of IMIS, on the basis of students’ performance, comprehensively and objectively. Final result will be quantitative assessment. During the analysis, this paper would focus on teaching work of lectures, achievements of teaching work and relation schema between core curriculums and other curriculums. Finally, the result of analysis would be used to support some advices, which could be beneficial to the revise of teaching program in the future.

In the first place, this paper will analyze the quality of students according to students’ performance when students are in first semester of freshman year, and grasp the external factors that affect teaching effectiveness from the point of view of students. With the longitudinal comparison, lateral comparison and sub-regional comparison, the result demonstrates that the quality of students of IMIS declines year by year and there are incidence relation between the learning status of students in different courses and the financial status of different areas. 大学信管专业学生成绩的探索性分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203764.html
