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时间:2024-05-28 23:02来源:95494




Abstract:With the development of international and domestic market integration, network and information technology, Chinese enterprises are in the tide, and are facing great opportunities and challenges. Many enterprises have been faced with the problem of "effective marketing" or "failure", which has seriously affected the survival and development of enterprises. Therefore, how to avoid the failure of marketing has become the focus of enterprise management team must face.

This paper starts with the concept of enterprise marketing failure, and discusses the phenomenon of marketing failure in detail, such as the pricing method of enterprise marketing, the influence of technology on product sales and the way of communication under the influence of state politics.Secondly, combined with Yonghui supermarket "half moon" fresh electricity business test water failure cases, the actual analysis of the current marketing status of enterprises, and pointed out that Yonghui supermarket  event marketing problems, from the subjective and objective perspective on the marketing failure The reasons for the empirical analysis.Finally, this paper draws the need to solve the enterprise marketing failure objectively from the business environment, the subjective from the enterprise itself and the customer point of view these three directions to start.

Key words: enterprise marketing; failure; phenomenon ;Yonghui  supermarket ;reasons analysis


1绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.2.1理论价值 1

1.2.2现实意义 2

1.3研究现状 3

1.3.1国内研究现状 3

1.3.2国外研究现状 4

1.3.3综述 4

2基本理论综述 5

2.1企业营销失灵的概念 5

2.2企业营销失灵的现象 6

2.2.1买卖市场转变下的定价方式 6

2.2.2反腐倡廉新政影响下的沟通方式 6

2.2.3产品技术升级下的销量影响 7

3永辉超市涉足生鲜电商营销失灵综合分析 8

3.1永辉超市生鲜电商概况 8

3.1.1永辉超市生鲜电商背景 8 企业营销失灵的原因及对策分析以永辉超市为例:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204057.html
