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时间:2024-05-28 23:05来源:95495




The Competitive Advantage of Huawei 's Mobile Phone Business

Abstract:Smart phones have become one of the most important electronic devices in today's people's lives, It has a huge impact on human society. Huawei smartphone is the representative of China's smartphone,the success of Huawei's mobile phone

business in a way that changed the world mobile phone market to foreign manufacturers of intelligent machines dominance pattern, Changed the domestic and foreign Chinese mobile phone business and China's intelligent machine products.

Therefore, the competitive advantage of Huawei's mobile phone business, and its competitive advantage is worthy of study and reference.

In this paper, through the comparative analysis of the domestic market, Huawei and other mobile phone brands in sales and other aspects of the gap. Based on this, combination of Michael Porter's theory of competitive advantage for Huawei's current competitive advantage to explore sources, and builds Huawei's existing competitive advantage model, Finally, according to the market changes and development combined with the core competence theory of Huawei's competitive advantage trends to explore, and make recommendations to maintain the competitiveness of Huawei. It is hoped that the discussion of Huawei's competitive advantage can provide reference for the development of other domestic mobile phone brands.

Keywords: Competitiveness,Competitive advantage, Core competency of enterprises, Huawei


0.引言 1

1.相关理论以及研究方法 1

1.2国内外文献综述 1

1.2.1相关企业竞争力理论 1

1.2.2竞争优势的内涵 2

1.3研究方法 3

1.4创新点与难点 3

1.4.1创新点 3

1.4.2难点 3

2.华为手机现有的竞争优势 3

2.1华为手机的经营情况 3

2.2中国市场苹果、OPPO、华为等手机业务对比 4

2.2.1华为与其他品牌市场保有率 4

2.2.2华为与其他品牌各级别城市手机品牌保有率分布 5

2.2.3华为与其他品牌手机销量分析 6

2.2.42017年1月华为与其他品牌销量价格分布 6

2.2.5国内后置双摄像头手机华为保有率以及销售量 论华为手机的竞争优势:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204059.html
