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时间:2024-07-10 21:56来源:95780




Research on Brand Building Based on Customer Experience

Abstract:In the experience under the premise of dominance, customer experience in the role of branding more and more attention and attention. Brand survival and development is facing more challenges, brand differentiation and brand emotional appeal will become the focus of competition, branding will become an important means to maintain good development of enterprises.

First of all, this paper uses the combination of theoretical research and case analysis to summarize the results of scholars at home and abroad by collecting and analyzing the literature and provide the basis for refining the relevant view of branding. Secondly, under the premise of analyzing the connotation and characteristics of customer experience, three key points of branding are put forward: brand image, brand personality and brand positioning. Finally, the selection of well-known coffee chain brand "Starbucks" for customer experience under the branding analysis, through the analysis of Starbucks corporate branding  model, based on customer experience branding feasibility.

Keywords: customer experience;branding;consumption


1绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的 1

2顾客体验的内涵及特征 2

2.1顾客体验的内涵 2

2.2顾客体验的特征 4

2.2.1顾客体验注重需求 4

2.2.2能够提升产品附加值 4

2.2.3提供消费的情景 5

2.2.4注重理性和感性体验 5

2.2.5丰富体验途径 5

3关于品牌塑造 6

3.1品牌塑造的内涵 6

3.2品牌塑造的三大关键点 7

3.2.1品牌形象 7

3.2.2品牌个性 7

3.2.2品牌定位 8

4基于顾客体验塑造品牌的必要性 8

4.1品牌塑造的核心——顾客体验 9

4.2顾客体验带来品牌价值的提升 10

4.3顾客体验为品牌培养忠实客户 10

5案例分析-------星巴克 11

5.1星巴克的顾客体验 11

5.1.1情感体验 12 基于顾客体验的品牌塑造研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204250.html
