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时间:2024-07-10 21:53来源:95779



Research on the influence of high competitive working environment on employee creativity

Abstract:The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the high competitive working environment and creativity of both, in order to find the corresponding solutions. The related concepts and dimensions of this research firstly studies the working environment, then studies the concept and elements of creativity and performance of the high competitive work again the environment and creativity, and to predict the relationship between the high competitive work environment and employee creativity, put forward a negative correlation between the high competitive work environment and employee creative hypothesis. Finally, the research questions questionnaire survey of empirical research on the data obtained by SPSS number According to the analysis, the conclusion is drawn that the high competitive working environment has negative correlation with employee creativity, and  on  this basis, some suggestions are put forward to improve the high competitive working environment and staff creativity.

Key words: high competition;work environment;employee creativity


1.引言 1

1.1研究问题的提出 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.2.1理论意义 1

1.2.2实践意义 2

2.工作环境和员工创造性 2

2.1工作环境 2

2.2员工创造性 3

2.3高竞争性工作环境与员工创造性的关系 4

2.3.1高竞争性工作环境 4

2.3.2高竞争工作环境与员工创造性 4

3.问卷调查与实证研究 5

3.1问卷设计 5

3.2调查问卷和分析工具 5

3.2.1调查方法及内容 5

3.2.2量表设计 6

3.3数据统计与分析 7

3.3.1调查样本分析 7

3.3.2分析工具 8

3.3.3分析工具的信度分析 8

3.3.4描述性统计分析 9

3.4基本情况变量分析 9

3.4.1年龄对员工创造性的差异性分析 9

3.4.2受教育程度对高竞争性环境的差异分析 10

3.4.3职位层次对高竞争性工作环境的差异性分析 10

3.5相关分析 高竞争性工作环境对员工创造性的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204248.html
