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时间:2024-07-10 21:47来源:95778




The Analysis and Orientation of Marketing Environment of Campus Cafe - Taking University of Science and Technology as an Example

Abstract:With the infiltration of Chinese and Western culture and the improvement of College Students' consumption level, the upsurge of campus coffee consumption has quietly set off. The campus has become an important place for the spread of coffee culture. For the campus, coffee shops are a good place to study, get together, communicate, and relax.

This thesis takes the theory of strategic management and marketing management as the theoretical basis of research, and takes University of Science and Technology as an example to study the marketing environment of campus coffee shop. First of all, analyze the marketing environment of macro and micro to the University of Science and Technology campus cafe; secondly, combined with the actual situation of University of Science and Technology by questionnaire investigation and analysis to carry out the investigation, to subpide the target market; finally, market positioning for the campus cafe, and support the 4P marketing strategy from the perspective of this experiential marketing model to explore, hope a study for the persified development of the coffee industry campus business model, and promote the healthy development of.

Keywords: Campus cafe;Analysis of marketing environment;Market positioning;Marketing strategy


1绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的和意义 1

1.3研究内容和方法 1

1.3.1研究内容 1

1.1.2研究方法 2

2校园咖啡馆营销环境分析 2

2.1宏观营销环境分析 2

2.1.1政治和法律环境 2

2.1.2国内经济环境 2

2.1.3社会和文化环境 3

2.2微观营销环境分析(SWOT分析) 3

2.2.1优势 4

2.2.2劣势 4

2.2.3机会 4

2.2.4威胁 4

3校园咖啡馆顾客需求特征调查与分析 5

3.1调查方案的设计与实施 5

3.1.1调查方案 5

3.1.2问卷设计与回收 6

3.2数据分析 6

4大学校园咖啡馆的市场细分和目标市场选择 7

4.1大学校园咖啡馆市场细分 7

4.2大学校园咖啡馆目标市场的选择 8

5校咖啡馆市场定位及支撑策略 8

5.1市场定位 8

5.1.1竞争定位 9

5.1.2产品定位 9

5.2支撑策略 9

5.2.1市场渠道营销战略 9

5.2.2市场价格和促销营销战略 10



5.2.5体验式营销策略的尝试 12

结论 13

致谢 14

参考文献 15

附录 17




新世纪喝咖啡是一种流行,同时喝咖啡也成了一种文化,一种情调和一种生活方式。咖啡厅已正在成为人与人沟通和自我享受的一个重要场所,它的价值在于它能提供给消费者高层次的精神享受。咖啡不仅仅是一种饮料,而是一种氛围文化和生活追求。随着咖啡文化的流行,校园也成为了咖啡文化入驻的重要场所。经济和社会的发展必然映射到校园中来,咖啡文化消费在校园市场大有可为。面对高校这一特定市场和消费群体,校园咖啡屋应以何种模式来运作,将直接关系到其能否持续稳步发展的大问题。通过以大为例进行校园咖啡馆营销环境与分析,力求找到一个适合校园咖啡馆发展的模式和途径。 校园咖啡馆营销环境分析与定位+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204246.html
