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时间:2018-09-27 10:07来源:毕业论文

Research on online purchase intention and its factors of shopping fresh agricultural products for consumers
Abstract:With the development of Internet and e-commerce business, the scale of online shopping market is expanding in China. Shopping fresh produce online to which draw public attention is a new thing of online shopping market. This paper applies factor analysis and regression analysis and finds that the quality of fresh e-commerce business and weather, logistics information, personal monthly income and velocity of physical distribution has positive influence on costumer’s consumption will. However, negative comments and the number of comments, product packaging and trust degree has significantly negative influence on online shopping. Product features, orders, purchase convenience, price expectation, freshness expectation and taste expectation is not significant. And this paper finds that many consumers are willing to try to purchase fresh agricultural products through wechat official accounts. This paper is about to provide a reference for future research and ideas for the development of online shopping fresh agricultural products.
Key words: fresh agricultural products;online shopping;factor;intention;wechat
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
一、引言    1
二、文献综述    2
(一)消费者个人特征    2
(二)消费者感知及评价    3
(三)产品因素    3
(四)网站服务及物流    3
(五)环境因素    3
三、数据来源和描述性分析    3
(一)数据来源    3
(二)样本特征的描述性统计    4
(三)变量的描述性统计分析    5
1.消费者网购意愿分析    6
2.消费者期望分析    6
四、实证模型与分析    7
(一)信度和效度分析    7
1.信度分析    7
2.效度分析    7
(二)因子分析    7
1.网购意愿的影响因素分析    7
2.消费者网购意愿因子分析    8
(三)回归分析    8
五、结论与建议    10
(一)研究结论及讨论    10
(二)建议    11
致谢    12
参考文献    13
附录    14
随着互联网的不断普及以及电子商务的发展和政策支持,网络购物被越来越多的人所接受和认同,逐渐成为人们生活的一部分,并且在消费支出上占据的比例也越来越大。根据CNNIC发布的网购市场相关研究报告显示,到2015年年底,中国网购人数达到4.13亿,同时我国网民网购的比例增长到54.8%  。可以看出2015年我国网购市场继续保持快速发展,并且这个趋势仍在持续。并且最近两年生鲜电商也受到了国家的重视,2015年“中央一号文件”初次提及农产品电子商务,表示支持和鼓励发展农产品电子商务 。今年国务院“一号文件”出台 ,直接将农村电商单独列出来,指明了农村电商的发展方向。“一号文件”指出支持农产品电商平台和农村电商服务站点建设,推动线上线下互动发展。推进“互联网+”现代农业行动,实现农业现代化转变,促进农业发展。通过网络进行生鲜农产品的交易,打破了传统地域限制,突破时间束缚,极大地提高了流通速率,减少了交易成本。 消费者对生鲜农产品的网购意愿及其影响因素研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_23487.html