4 主要观点
5 资料准备
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[摘 要]我国残疾人数量众多,但由于种种原因,残疾人旅游市场却一度被边缘化。本文以徐州市残疾人为例。通过对残疾人的深度访谈、问卷调查,并结合国内外残疾人旅游市场开发理论基础,以小见大,着力于分析徐州残疾人市场未被开发的内在和外在的一些阻碍。针对一些问题提出可行性的措施,从而让残疾人真正成为旅游市场的生力军,完善旅游市场细分,为旅游业提供新的增长点与契机。
The disabled tourism market development research of Xuzhou
Abstract: Disabled people in China are numerous, but due to various reasons, the tourism market for the disabled has been marginalized. Taking Xuzhou city as an example for the disabled. Through the depth interview and questionnaire survey of disabled persons, and connecting with the domestic and international tourism market development theoretical basis for the disabled, focusing on analysis of Xuzhou untapped market for the disabled some of inner and outer block, puts forward feasible measures for some problems, so that the disabled people really became the life-blood of the tourism market, improve the tourism market segmentation and provide new sources of growth and opportunity for tourism. 徐州市残疾人旅游市场开发研究(2):http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_24544.html