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时间:2018-10-29 17:36来源:毕业论文

Study  On  The  Effect  Of  Brand  Knowledge  On Consumer  Loyalty
——Take  Brands  Of  Computer  As  An  Example
Abstract:In the Internet era, computers have become an indispensable tool for people's lives. With the popularization of computers, the computer function of all brands becomes more and more identical. If the enterprises want to keep the customer loyalty while making a profit, it is necessary to create the difference value. In this paper, based on the review of the research results on brand cognition and consumer loyalty, a structural equation model is constructed to verify the influence of brand cognition on customer loyalty. The results show that brand awareness not only has a direct positive impact on consumer loyalty, but also has an indirect positive impact on consumer loyalty through brand attitude and brand relationship. At the same time, brand awareness has a positive impact on brand attitude and brand relationship. Brand awareness not only directly affects brand relationship, but also indirectly affects brand relationship through brand attitude. Finally, this paper provides some suggestions for enterprises on the basis of the research results.
Key words:Brand awareness; Brand attitude; Brand relationship; Consumer loyalty
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstracts.    1
Key words    1
一、问题的提出    2
二、文献综述    2
(一)品牌认知的构成    2
(二)消费者忠诚度的内涵    3
1、态度忠诚论    3
2、行为忠诚论    3
3、综合论    3
(三)品牌认知对消费者忠诚度的影响    3
(四)品牌态度和品牌关系的中介性    4
1、品牌认知对品牌态度和品牌关系的影响    4
2、品牌态度和品牌关系对消费者忠诚度的影响    4
三、模型构建与研究设计    4
(一)模型构建与变量选择    4
1、模型构建    4
2、变量选择    5
(二)研究假设    5
(三)问卷设计    6
四、数据来源与描述性统计分析    7
(一)问卷修正    7
(二)样本描述性统计分析    9
五、实证分析    10
(一)正式问卷的信度与效度分析    10
1、信度分析    10
2、效度分析    11
(二)变量相关分析    13
(三)模型检验与中介效用    14
1、模型检验    14
2、中介效用    16
优尔、 研究结论与对策建议    17 电脑品牌认知对消费者忠诚度影响的实证分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_25205.html