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时间:2019-01-27 20:15来源:毕业论文

关键词  本田讴歌 豪华车市场 营销策略
毕业论文外文 摘 要
Title     Honda Acura automobile marketing strategy research                    
Since reform and opening up, great changes have taken place in economy of China. The auto industry has got swift and great development with the growth of economy. Today, China has become the world's largest car market. A growing number of luxury car companies will also shift their focus to China. The competition of luxury car market has intensified. Now China's luxury car market pattern has been many years ago from Germany's three major brands high market share became today's brand competition, relatively late luxury brands to enter the Chinese market also started one after another, makes every effort in the luxury car market in China's rapid development momentum. Acura as day is one of the three largest luxury brands, as early as 6 years has entered the Chinese market, but the way to more than eight years of marketing is not so easy, on the sales and market share gap away from his rivals. Compared with the success of the north American market, but Acura in the Chinese market into an unprecedented predicament. This paper will with Honda Acura for the specific case, the marketing environment and marketing strategy analysis and research, and put forward specific optimization based on its advantages and disadvantages and improvement scheme, for Honda Acura marketing strategy in the future to provide advice and help.
Keywords  Acura  Luxury Car Market  Marketing strategy
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究的背景    1
1.2  研究的意义    2
1.3  研究的内容    2
2  相关基础理论    3
2.1  市场营销4P理论    3
2.2  STP理论    3
2.3  SWOT分析法    3
2.4  波特五力模型    4
3  本田讴歌汽车营销现状及问题分析    5
3.1  本田讴歌品牌简介    5
3.2  本田讴歌营销现状    5
3.3  本田讴歌营销策略存在的问题    6
4  本田讴歌中国汽车市场营销环境分析    7
4.1  宏观环境分析    7
4.2  行业环境分析    9
4.3   微观环境分析    12
4.4  本田讴歌的SWOT分析    17
5  本田讴歌STP战略的设计    21
5.1  市场细分    21 本田公司讴歌汽车营销策略研究+STP理论+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_30075.html