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时间:2019-04-07 18:14来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:德邦物流   客户关系管理   问题与对策
 Problems and Countermeasures exist Debon logistics CRM Customer Relationship Management
Abstract: In recent years, with the aggravation of the enterprise competition, all walks of life are aware of what is the most important.Domestic companies have long started to build their own CRM customer relationship management systems, enterprise mostly taken abroad systematic way. Business leaders recognize, the development of enterprises, they cannot do without the source of customers, therefore, there is the CRM customer relationship management system, compared to the core of the enterprise operation, known as the source of gaining competitive advantages.
In this paper, Debon Logistics Co. Ltd as the research background, respectively on the advanced theory of CRM customer relationship management, domestic application situation, and analyzes on Debon logistics CRM customer relations management. In this paper, Debon Logistics Co. Ltd as the research background, respectively on the advanced theory of CRM customer relationship management, domestic application situation, and analyzes on Debon logistics CRM customer relations management. Study on Logistics Co. Ltd., in the implementation of CRM customer relationship management system shortcomings, give some reasonable suggestions and measures put forward enterprise.
Key Words:Debon logistics   CRM   Problems and Countermeasures
 目 录
一、CRM客户关系管理系统相关理论    1
(一)CRM客户关系管理系统的含义    1
(二)CRM客户关系管理系统的功能    1
二、CRM客户关系管理系统应用现状    2
(一)CRM客户关系管理系统在我国应用现状    2
(二)CRM客户关系管理系统在物流行业应用现状     3
三、德邦物流有限公司CRM客户关系管理系统现状     6
(一)公司简介     6
(二)公司CRM客户关系管理系统现状     6
(三)公司CRM客户关系管理系统存在问题    7
(四)公司CRM客户关系管理系统存在问题分析    9
四、德邦物流提升CRM客户关系管理系统措施    10
(一)满足客户需求     10
(二)发现关键客户      11
(三)提升产品的竞争力    12
(四)相对降低物流成本    12
五、总结    13
致谢    15
参考文献    15 
CRM客户关系管理系统的起源可追溯到上世纪 80 年代初,当时学者称其为接触管理( Contact Management) ,即收集客户信息,为企业整理客户与企业之间所关联的所有信息[1]。加特纳公司( Gartner Group)以商业策略来界定 CRM客户关系管理系统的含义,它经过合理地组织企业资源,对客户的情况进行分类,以客户为中心,规划业务流程,形成服务理念,提高公司的盈利水平和客户满意度[2]。Carlson Marketing Group则将CRM客户关系管理定义为:公司要培养企业人员,只有企业人员对企业信赖,这样企业人员才会尽全力为企业去留住客户,提升客户对公司地偏爱与偏好,从而实现提高公司业绩地一种营销策略[3]。 德邦物流CRM客户关系管理系统问题与对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_31809.html