毕业论文关键词:河南省; 小微企业; 员工培训
Analysis of Henan province small and micro enterprises
staff training status investigation
Abstract: in order to better understand the Henan province Small and micro businesses staff training status, especially in Henan province Small and micro businesses selected 20 and distributed 200 questionnaires. As the main point of the investigation from the analysis of the training time enterprise staff training content, the selection of training needs, as well as the effect of training evaluation. According to the results of the survey, Henan province Small and micro businesses in staff training do still have certain shortcomings, no training system needs analysis and assessment of the effect of training is mostly limited to the surface form and no in-depth investigation. The enterprise shall, according to the survey results should first do systematic training before the training needs analysis, to increase the number of employees can release the pressure of work content.
Key words: Henan province; Small and micro Businesses; Staff training
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、研究对象和方法 2
(一)研究对象 2
(二)研究方法 3
二、河南省小微企业员工培训调查现状分析 3
(一)企业领导对培训的重视性分析 3
(二)培训内容指标分析 4
(三)培训方式和时间指标分析 4
(四)培训需求指标分析 5
(五)员工培训频率指标分析 7
(优尔)企业对新员工培训指标分析 7
(七)培训效果指标分析 7
(八)培训系统不足分析 8
三、研究结论和相关建议 9
(一)研究结果 9
(二)相关建议 11
参考文献 14
附录 15
致谢 18
当前,河南省许多小微企业正面临着复杂严峻的生存环境和日益激烈的竞争压力。员工培训对小微企业未来发展起着举足轻重的作用,但是河南省小微企业员工培训方面还是存在着一定的不足,企业高层领导不够重视,培训需求分析工作不系统,又由于小微企业相较于大企业规模比较小绝大部分都是采用自有方式进行培训。本研究主要从小微企业员工培训的重要性出发,详尽分析河南省小微企业员工培训的现状和存在的问题,针对存在的问题提出相应的对策建议,以期能对开展小微企业员工培训工作具有实践参考价值。根据调查数据来提升员工培训,不仅能保证小微企业的健康成长;而且还能够引导小微企业的良性发展,也可提升员工的工作质量;同时也能促进员工。员工培训不仅仅是员工个人内心的充实,也反映了员工与公司内部的和谐,公司的和谐离不开员工内部的和谐。提高员工培训,能够促进公司和谐发展。所以,提升小微企业员工培训,有着重要的理论意义和实践价值。 河南省小微企业员工培训调查现状分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_37231.html