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时间:2017-03-23 19:20来源:毕业论文

Social corrective work used in community drug control
—— A case study of Malu community,Shanghai
Abstract:Drug is a global disaster to people all around the world. The currently growing tide of drugs not only cause serious damage to human health, corrupt social conduct, and directly cause and induce all kinds of crime, threatening the global political stability and economic development. Drug control and the drug problem is particularly important in the modern society, relying on the power of the drug rehabilitation center is obviously not enough, so it must be combined with the power of social various aspects to solve together. With the guidance of anti-drug law, Malu community of Jiading district, Shanghai, discovered social corrective work methods and patterns based on social corrective work theory. It presented the concept “people first” practically. This essay will discuss and analyze different social work intervention technique used in community anti-drug work from the perspective of professional social work, and assess the effect of different technique.
Key words:drug addict; community correction; pattern discovery
一、研究目的及背景    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二)研究目的    1
(三)研究意义    2
(四)研究方法    2
二、文献综述    4
三、矫正社会工作模式理论    4
(一)认知行为治疗模式    5
1. 基本假设    5
2. 社工角色和任务    5
3. 介入策略    5
(二)任务中心模式    5
1. 基本假设    5
2. 问题分类    6
3. 介入策略    6
(三)社会网络干预模式    7
1. 基本假设    7
2. 主要理论观点    7
3. 介入过程    7
四、矫正社会工作模式在实践中的运用    9
(一) 认知行为治疗模式    9
(二) 任务中心模式和社会网络干预模式    11
五、结论    13
致谢    14
参考书目    15
为了进一步明确社区戒毒的主管机关、戒毒方式与相关部门的协作关系等,《禁毒法》第三十四条又规定:“城市街道办事处、乡镇人民政府负责社区戒毒工作。城市街道办事处、乡镇人民政府可以指定有关基层组织,根据戒毒人员本人和家庭情况,与戒毒人员签订社区戒毒协议,落实有针对性的社区戒毒措施。公安机关和司法行政、卫生行政、民政等部门应当对社区戒毒工作提供指导和协助”,“城市街道办事处、乡镇人民政府,以及县级人民政府劳动行政部门对无职业且缺乏就业能力的戒毒人员,应当提供必要的职业技能培训、就业指导和就业援助。” 矫正社会工作在社区禁毒工作中的运用研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_4406.html