Abstract CHAOSHAN YINGGEWU is been around for thousands of years in CHAOSHAN region, occupied an important historical position in CHAOSHAN traditional culture of a kind of cultural form ,although with the development of the times ,in terms of cultural richness and inclusive of china is a developing. Many of the mainstream culture at home and abroad have been vigorously developed in CHAOSHAN region,but many folk traditional culture as the rural population , foreign cultural phenomenon such as the integration of the thinned and cultural heritage is blocked .
In this paper, by analyzing the marketing methods and characteristics of the CHAOSHAN YINGGEWU, find the problems in the traditional marketing methods and reasons of the problems, and through the years of rapid development of new media marketing, and combined with SWOT analysis of marketing, STP strategy and related theory, puts forward the corresponding new media marketing strategy, in order to solve the CHAOSHAN YINGGEWU due to the local population outflow, marketing channel is narrow, marketing methods such as conservative results in the decrease of the appeal of the problem.
Key word: CHAOSHAN YINGGEWU; attraction; new media marketing
目 录
一、 概述1
(一) 研究背景1
(二) 研究目的与意义1
二、 潮汕英歌舞营销现状及存在问题2
三、 潮汕英歌舞新媒体营销的必要性和意义3
四、 制定解决潮汕英歌舞传播问题的新媒体营销策略5
五、 结论10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
一、 概述
随着当代经济文化的建设和发展,人们的生活质量和生活方式得到了很大的提升和改变,越来越多的西式文化节日流入我国并得到人们的喜爱和追捧,而且其影响人群的年龄跨度越来越大,不只是年轻人,很多中年人甚至老年人也开始过感恩节,圣诞节,万圣节等西方节日,人们在感恩节互相写信表达感恩,在万圣节扮演鬼怪进行娱乐,在圣诞节立起圣诞树。在看到当代中国文化发展繁荣昌盛之余,我们也注意到了,中国上下五千年所流传下来的许多古老的文化形式和习俗却渐渐遭到人们的遗忘,如潮汕英歌舞这种潮汕地区的传统文化形式,当今却似乎越发少有人去关注这个文化形式,而且其传承途径逐渐流失和受到忽视,在节日的出现频率和人们对其关注程度越来越小,但潮汕英歌舞这种当地传统文化形式却是潮汕地区悠久文化历史的沉淀,若最终流失那对本土文化那将会是不小的损失。 提升潮汕英歌舞吸引力的新媒体营销策略:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_46269.html