Abstract Second half of the 1990s, with the initial establishment of China's market economy and accession to the WTO,The rapid development of our retail business, retailers, according to consumer perceptions and buying preferences,Create a new type of retail formats - supermarkets,Customers can experience fast and convenient one-stop shopping at the time of purchase. How in the fierce competition in the supermarket chain to survive,Has become a problem of concern to most department stores and supermarkets, inventory management is an important component of effective inventory management, reduce inventory carrying costs, accelerate cash flow quickly, allowing the supermarket to earn the maximum amount of profit.
This paper describes the theoretical knowledge of inventory management concepts, management practices, etc., followed by the inventory management of Le Hai supermarkets and in-depth understanding of the relevant points raised insufficient inventory management, and the use of modern New inventory management methods,ABC classification management law and its joint stock inventory management solutions to optimize and accelerate stock turnover, reduce inventory, reduce inventory carrying costs, enhance the core competitiveness of the supermarket.
Keywords: inventory management, ABC classification, VMI
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 选题的背景和意义 1
1.1研究的背景 1
1.2研究的意义 1
第二章 库存管理理论概述 3
2.1库存管理的内涵及作用 3
2.2 ABC分类管理法 4
2.3供应商管理法的含义 5
第三章 乐海百货超市的库存管理现状以及存在的问题 6
3.1乐海百货超市的发展现状 6
3.2乐海百货超市超市的库存管理现状 6
第四章 乐海百货库存管理优化建议 9
4.1ABC分类管理法 9
4.2制定科学合理的库存预测方法 10
4.3实行VMI库存管理制度 12
第五章 结束语 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17
第一章 选题的意义及背景
自1952年零售企业的“工业革命”-----超级市场在美国诞生之日起,各个地区和国家的超市便如雨后春笋般涌现,直到20世纪80年代,连锁经营这种经济形式才从国外市场引入中国,并且得到飞速的发展。历经十几年的风风雨雨,经过改革和发展,国内超市的营业形态逐渐呈现多样化,竞争形势也变得相当激烈。随着我国加入WTO,外资企业纷至沓来;家乐福、Tesco、沃尔玛、欧尚等国外大型连锁超市大举进军中国市场,对本土超市的经营管理带来了巨大的冲击,更大的加剧了国内零售市场的竞争。与此同时,中小型企业还将面临着被大型零售企业吞并的潜在隐患;面对日益严峻的市场竞争,中小型超市应该何去何从,已然成为现代商业领域热议的话题。 乐海百货超市库存管理优化研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_47721.html