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时间:2020-03-08 21:12来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:回收物流 废弃品 合理化  
No matter what kind of product, will eventually face was abandoned and then produce how to deal with the problem. In this way, it forms the recycling logistics, also makes the recycling logistics rationalization to become the question which urgently needs to study and solve. The according to the economic and environmental benefits of recycling logistics, based on the actual situation of Sanxiao logistics park. Analysis recycling logistics brings the double meaning, discussing the strategy of increasing the benefit of enterprises Sanxiao logistics park, First is the consciousness of recycling of waste products from the concept of enhanced enterprise managers and departments staff, recycling materials were classified and sorted, recovery and utilization of waste packaging products, the establishment of separate garbage recycling station. Secondly, enterprises should set up a special department, the establishment of recycling logistics system. Finally, to reduce the material cost, to increase profit. This paper in view of the current situation of Sanxiao logistics park of all proposed make its recycling logistics rationalization proposals, to find clear the existing problem, create for their unique a recycling logistics management standards, enable enterprises to obtain economic benefits and social benefits and win-win development.
Key words: recycling logistics .waste. rationalization
目  录
摘  要    I
第一章  研究的背景及意义    1
1.1国内外回收物流背景及意义    1
1.2研究三笑物流园回收物流发展的意义    2
第二章  回收物流合理化的理论基础    3
2.1回收物流的基本概念    3
2.2回收物流合理化原则    3
2.3合理组织回收物流与废弃物物流的意义    3
第三章  扬州三笑物流园简介和现状分析    5
3.1三笑物流园的简介    5
3.2三笑物流园所存在的现实问题    5
第四章  三笑物流园回收物流合理化策略制定    8
4.1进行绿色教育,增强废旧产品回收的意识    8
4.2成立专门部门,建立回收物流系统    8
4.3降低物料成本,增加企业效益    8
4.4对废旧包装的回收利用,降低成本    9
4.5建立垃圾回收站,将回收品进行分类    9
4.6合理规避,防范可能存在的风险    9
结束语    11
致  谢    12
参考文献    13
第一章  研究的背景及意义
     世界人口的快速增长,日益膨胀的消费需求,使得大量工业进程下的产物经过消费者使用后演变为生活垃圾,甚至已经包围城市,不仅影响了我们当下的生存环境,也对我们的健康造成了危害。西方发达国家逐步掀起了“绿色和平”运动的浪潮。发达国家资源消耗飞速增长所带来的物料资源稀缺、生态环境恶化、人类疾病增多等一系列问题,也是我们整个地球目前都面临的共同挑战。由于许多大型的跨国公司在世界各地的制造厂排放了大量的废弃物,造成了非常严重的环境污染,使生态平衡遭到了破坏,遭到了民间群众强烈的抗议,迫使企业不得不将大量废弃物回收再利用以减少废弃物排放量,这种方法在被运用的过程中取得显著的效果,不仅节省原材料成本,降低了能源消耗,而且还节约了生产成本,使环境污染获得很大改善的同时,也使得这些企业提高经济效益。但是,如果全方位的废弃物资源回收利用,仅仅是停留在生产企业工业废料的回收与再利用,并没有对其他非生产制造企业进行整顿治理,因此不能完全遏制日益恶化的环境问题,那么就不能从根底解决由于废弃品污染所带来的问题。 扬州三笑物流园回收物流合理化策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_47859.html