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时间:2020-06-22 20:15来源:毕业论文



Wei er garment factory pay levels and employee satisfaction research


Pay satisfaction investigation and analysis is an effective method to understand employees about pay real feelings, to found the problems, and to optimize the compensation management.

This article collects and analyses information about compensation status and satisfaction of employees through questionnaires. According to the investigation, we come to the conclusion that problems below exist in salary management and employee satisfaction (1) Overall level is not high. (2). Unreasonable salary distribution, the average thinking is serious (3). Bonus distribution is not reasonable, etc. Clear and accurate compensation is an important factor to determine employee job satisfaction, it can not only meets the basic need of employees’ life and work, but also shows respect for their contribution to the company. Based on this present situation, this article gives suggestions as below. (1) Improve employee satisfaction three principles by adjusting the compensation system (2) Increase staff satisfaction by emphasizing on employees' intrinsic rewards (3) Focus on satisfaction factors and enhance staff management (4) Raise salary satisfaction through accidental income,.

Keywords: Pay levels;Pay satisfaction; Employee satisfaction


目  录


0 引言 2

1相关理论综述 2

1.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2 国内研究现状 3

2 问卷调查与分析 4

2.1 问卷设计与调查 4

2.2 数据分析 5

3 唯尔服装厂员工薪酬满意度存在的问题及原因 7

3.1 薪酬总体水平不高(产业发展下坡) 7

3.2薪酬分配不合理,平均思想严重 8

3.3 奖金发放方式不合理 8

4 改善薪酬管理与提升员工满意度的建议 8

4.1创造公平竞争的企业环境 9

4.2完善企业内部沟通机制,实现有效沟通 9

4.3 针对工作满意度因素,强化员工管理 10

4.4 通过意外性收入,提升薪酬满意度 10

结    论 12

致    谢 13

参考文献 - 14 -

附录表1 - 15 -唯尔服装厂薪酬水平与员工满意度研究

0 引言

随着改革开放中国经济快速增长,结构也进一步的优化,并且知识经济的发展更是尤为突出,取得了飞跃式的进步。企业逐渐看清:员工满意度决定着顾客满意度,顾客满意度决定了企业的效益。企业是以创造利益为主的集团,为了提高企业的利益,则须为提高员工满意度做出努力。所以,也使企业对员工满意度得到了认可,有了更深一步的认识:已然把员工满意度等看作一份珍贵的资源,而不是单纯的只是听从命令的执行者。 唯尔服装厂薪酬水平与员工满意度研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_55157.html
