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时间:2020-07-22 20:28来源:毕业论文



Cause Analysis of low Counterpart rate in Social Work——taking an example of the graduates in Shanghai

Abstract:Schools set up social work profession is an important purpose is to train more professional social worker for social, make social work more professional and specialization. School output professional social worker whether in the process of the professional posts, this have a great impact to development of this industry. Today Chinese counterparts social work graduates employment situation is not well, so to find out the reasons for this phenomenon, the future strategic development of social work is important. Through a comprehensive analysis of relevant literature works at home and abroad to interview from Shanghai previous graduates of social work in selected cases to understand their basic working conditions, and the impact of their career reasons. Paper to use portions of case studies of social work skills - in good faith, sympathy, listening, clarification, combined with the basic current status of the industry, the field survey information will be consolidate, social workers come to the cause of their counterparts in low employment rate analysis, and briefly put forward countermeasures.

   Keywords: Social work; employment issues; social work employment

目 录

绪 论 1

一、 研究背景 2

二、 文献综述 2

(一) 问题综述 2

1、社工发展缓慢 2

2、社工毕业生就业对口率低 3

(二) 研究综述 3

1、社会工作人才流失的原因 3

2、对于社工就业对口率低的对策及建议 4

三、 研究方法 5

四、 访谈对象的基本情况及现状描述 6

(一) 专业选择的初衷均为自愿调剂 6

(二) 选择社会工作专业是否后悔 6

(三) 社工专业对从事非社工行业的毕业生的影响 7

五、 社工专业对口率低的原因及认同感分析 7

(一) 上海地区往届毕业生社工专业对口率低原因分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_56810.html
