Abstract: Four main characteristics, which consisted of the hollowing out of human capital, the large families of agricultural production, the gradual desolations of villages, the empty nests of families, were found in the population loss and the hollowing out of population in Tangqiao village through the way of semi-structured interview with field researches for villagers here. Both external and internal factors contributed to these features. For instance, push and pull force generated from the urban-rural gap and children education constituted the external factors. In contrast to that, internal factors were made up of the pursuit of happy life from villagers and the trend of being tired of agricultural and so on.
Key words: Rural areas, Hollow out, The pollution loss, Field research
1引言 5
2文献综述 5
3研究设计 6
4研究发现 8
4.1不同年龄村民的留村与离村情况 8
4.2不同性别村民的留村与离村情况 9
4.3不同文化水平村民的留村与离村情况 9
4.4离村村民的去向与职业 10
4.5学龄子女的就读地及其日常生活的照顾情况 11
5讨论与分析 12
5.1唐桥村空心化特征分析 12
5.1.1人力资本空心化 12
5.1.2农业生产大户化 12
5.1.3村庄逐步荒凉化 13
5.1.4家庭逐步空巢化 13
5.2唐桥村空心化形成原因分析. 13
5.2.1土地收入日益无法满足村民对财富的需求 14
5.2.2外界高收入的诱惑 14
5.2.3高水平教育需求与陪读需求的增长 14
5.2.4村中青年普遍“厌农” 15
5.2.5对高质量居住环境的追求 15
结论 17
参考文献 18
附录A 20
1 引言
针对这一现象,我们深入江苏省淮安市郊区的唐桥村,通过半结构访谈的方式,收集相关的资料与数据,分析“空心村”现象的基本特征、形成原因,以及可能会引发的一系列问题,得出相关的结论,增强人们对“空心村”现象的认识,以期引起相关部门的重视。 人口流失与农村空心化的实证研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_59347.html