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时间:2020-10-29 18:58来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着社会主义市场经济体制的改革和发展,我国各级政府都对行政审批制度进行了相应的改革。虽然行政审批制度改革取得了一定的成果,但是也不可否认其还存在一定的问题需要解决,随着社会主义市场和社会的发展,政府职能尤其是行政审批已不适应现阶段社会的发展,如何以行政审批改革为突破口转变政府职能成为改革的重点。政府职能的转变在行政审批制度改革下,必须要通过从以下三个个方面进行改进:首先,政府应当明确在行政审批制度下所扮演的角色以及相应的地位;二要理清政府与市场之间的关系,明确政府职能;三要完善行政审批制度,对行政审批行为制定相应的标准,创新行政审批的手段、方法和内容等,不断提高行政审批公开性和公正性,并且要以行政审批制度改革为突破口,加快转变政府职能。58866


The Change Of Government Function under the  reform of the Administrative Examination and Approval System

Ma Shantao

Abstract:Along with the reform and development of the socialist market economic system,China's governments at all levels have carried out the reform of the administrative examination and approval system. Although the reform of the administrative examination and approval system has achieved some results, it  can not deny its also exists some problems and need to be solved.with the development of socialist market and the society, the functions of the government especially the administrative examination and approval system has not been adapted to the development of society at the present stage.how to make administrative approval reform as a breakthrough and the transformation of government functions become the focus of the reform. The reform of government function need to do for this aspects: firstly,to clear the government in the reform of the administrative examination and approval system and the role of status;secondly, strengthen the institutional innovation and construction, standardize administrative behavior, improve the transparency of administrative examination and approval; thirdly,to take the reform of the administrative examination and approval as a breakthrough to speed up the transformation of government functions.

Key Words:  the administrative examination and approval system;government;the function of government


随着社会主义市场经济的发展和深化改革的进程的加快,市场经济体制背景下计划经济体制已经不再适应社会和经济发展,计划经济体制下行政审批制度俨然已经成了社会主义市场经济的桎梏,因此行政审批制度改革下政府应该做的是:明确政府应当所扮演的角色和相应的地位,转变政府的职能,理清政府与市场之间的关系。 行政审批制度下政府职能的转变浅析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_63873.html
