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时间:2017-05-09 22:18来源:毕业论文

摘要:如今的餐饮业正处在一个竞争异常激烈的市场中,在如此激烈而又残酷的竞争中,如何打造品牌效应, 如何提升企业的知名度, 是所有餐饮管理者必须思考的问题。在餐饮市场中,品牌是餐饮产品质量、特征、性能、用途等级的概括,凝聚餐饮业的风格、精神和信誉,强有力的品牌形象可以使其占据有利的市场地位,可以使餐饮业发挥企业的规模经济效益。任何技术都可以模仿,而品牌就具有不可模仿性,所以实行品牌营销是现代经济对餐饮业运作的必然要求。
Study on the Management Strategy of Take-away Business Catering Industry
Abstract: Food and beverage industry is a fiercely competitive market now, so fierce and brutal competition , how to build brand , how to enhance the visibility of the enterprise , all food and beverage managers must think about . In the food and beverage market , the brand is the quality of the food and beverage products , features , performance , purpose grade of general cohesion style of the restaurant industry , the spirit and reputation , a strong brand image can make it occupy a favorable position in the market , you can make the food and beverage industry enterprises play economies of scale. Any technology can mimic the brand Inimitability , and therefore brand marketing is an inevitable requirement of modern economic operation of the food and beverage industry .
In this study, the domestic part of catering enterprise as the research scope, the research trend of catering take-away business and the existing problems and related data collection, access, the status quo can understand China's catering industry catering business from, analyze the existing problems. Although the development of take-away business has a great effect on catering brand marketing, but never a single general can show. The take-away business as considerations alone, to study the impact on the brand. But the reality is very difficult, so the need to consider many other factors. For example as background material, then uses the research data as the backing, combining theoretical analysis and empirical analysis. Want to study influence of take-away business catering enterprise's brand marketing, so as to provide suggestions for the catering brand management.
Keywords: Outside Catering; Factor Analysis; Strategy of Catering Management; Brand Marketing
目  录
一、引言    4
(一)我国餐饮外卖市场发展环境概述    4
1、我国餐饮外卖市场发展变迁    4
2、我国餐饮外卖市场发展环境    4
(二)课题研究的目的和意义    4
1、研究目的    4
2、研究意义    4
二、    文献综述    6
(一)国内有关外卖领域的研究概述    6
(二)国外有关外卖领域的研究概述    7
(三)文献研究对课题开展的启示    8
三、影响餐饮业开展外卖业务原因的因素分析    10 餐饮业开展外卖业务管理策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_6687.html