摘 要:知识经济的发展促使“考研热”不断升温,“考研热”引起了广泛的社会关注。面对本科毕业生日趋激烈的就业竞争,考研成为了延缓就业压力,实现就业理想的热门途径, “考研热”由此出现。本科毕业后继续硕士培养,事实上是一个追加人力资本投资行为。从人力资本投资的视角,对考研的成本和收益进行分析,有助于大学生理性面对“考研热”。61227
Analyse the " The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies " of college students from the perspective of the human capital
Abstract: The development of the knowledge economy made " The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies " warmer constantly, " The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies " has aroused widespread concern in society. In the face of college graduates’ increasingly fierce competition for jobs, Taking part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools became a hot way to slow the pressure of employment and achieve ones’ job dream,that’s why " The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies " appeared . It is a kind of additional human capital investment behavior in essence to choose the education of master after finish undergraduate course. It will helpful to college students rationally facing with" The Craze of Pursuing Graduate Studies "for analyzing the costs and benefits of taking part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools through the perspective of the human capita .
Key Words: undergraduate; the craze of pursuing graduate studies; human capital; cost analysis; benefit analysis
经过二十多年高速发展,考研已然成为了一种潮流,在社会中悄然升起,不仅报考人数大大增加,考生的来源也发生了很多的变化。2005年, 报考研究生的人数突破100万人,自此之后,报名人数均超过百万。2014年报名人数下滑,这是研究生报名人数在2008年出现首次下跌后的第二次下跌,但人数仍高达172万。而到了2015年,考研报名人数相对2014年再次减少7万人,两年间报名人数持续下降,“考研热”降温一说悄然兴起。源:自'优尔.·论,文;网·www.youerw.com/
在考生的组成中,除了大部分的应届毕业生之外,还有少数“二战”甚至“三战”乃至考过更多次的往届生,以及一小部分的社会考生,2014年 “40岁报考者门槛” 被取消,舆论一度认为该政策的发布会提高社会考生的报考热情,但就报名的实际数据来看,与前几年相比,社会考生的数量并没有明显增长。
考研年份 人力资本视野下大学生考研热分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_66880.html