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时间:2021-01-24 21:21来源:毕业论文

摘 要:区域的交通优势度反映现在“质”、“量”、“势”三个方面,其中任一方面反映的都是区域经济发展的不同层面,但是任一方面都不能单独的全面反映和评价区域交通环境的优劣程度,只有将三个方面进行综合考量才能真实反映出区域的交通质量。交通地理学原理为依托,本文选择淮河流域为研究范围,建立交通优势度评价模型,同时利用GIS软件数据处理、空间分析以及制图功能和Python语言,从单指标和多指标集成两个角度来构筑和评价淮河流域的交通优势环境的优劣。为政府部门的区域经济分析以及战略规划提供科学的决策依据。研究结果表明,流域内4%的县域具有非常突出的交通优势;而交通环境处于劣势的区域占4.1%,因此这些区域的社会经济发展受到一定的限制;大约五分之四的县域交通优势度处于中等。从整个淮河流域看,淮河流域各县域交通优势度相差不大,但是却普遍较低,说明淮河流域交通设施仍然不够发达。这也是导致淮河流域整体经济水平偏低的重要因素之一。因此要扩大社会进步的步伐,提高区域经济的发展,必须重视对区域交通优势的评价。62649


Abstract:Regional transport superiority degree reflect now three aspects of "quality" and "quantity", "potential", which either reflect are different levels of regional economic development, but either can separate comprehensive reflection and evaluation of the level of the pros and cons of the regional traffic environment, only the three aspects of comprehensive consideration to reflect the quality of regional traffic. Transportation geography principle based on, this paper chooses the Huaihe River Basin as the research scope, establish traffic advantage degree evaluation model, and using GIS software, data processing, spatial analysis and mapping function and the python programming language, from the single index and multi index integrated two angle to build and traffic advantages to the Huaihe River Basin environment quality evaluation. To provide scientific decision-making basis for the government departments of the regional economic analysis and strategic planning. Research results show that the basin is within 4% of the county has very prominent advantages of traffic, and traffic environment in inferior region accounted for 4.1%, so the social and economic development of these areas is limited; four fifths of county traffic dominance in the middle. From the Huaihe River Basin, the Huaihe River traffic advantages of each county have little difference, but is generally low, indicating that the Huaihe River traffic facilities are still underdeveloped. This is one of the important factors leading to low overall economic level in Huaihe River basin. Therefore it is necessary to expand the pace of social progress, improve the regional economic development, must pay attention to the evaluation of regional traffic advantage.

Keywords:Traffic advantage degree, ArcGIS,The county level administrative unit,The Huaihe river basin 

1  前言 6

2  交通优势度及其评价方法 6

2.1  交通优势度 6

2.2  交通优势度衡量指标 7

2.3  交通优势度的集成方法 8

3  淮河流域研究说明 9

3.1  研究区概况 9

3.2  数据说明 9

3.3  设计步骤 10

4  淮河流域交通优势度分析 ArcGIS淮河流域县级行政单元交通优势度:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_68918.html
