Abstract:Microblog is a marketing platform in in micro-blog marketing. The company update their microblog to spread the company and product information. So as to achieve the purpose to promote the product. In this paper, taking Honey Baby company as the research project, as the based of the meaning of micro-blog marketing, analysis the issues in micro-blog marketing in Honey Baby company. Including the lack of interaction, the lack of systematic, the lack of emotional communication in micro-blog marketing, the single marketing method and so on. Put forward the interactive marketing, system construction, emotional marketing, event marketing strategy and so on.
Keywords: micro-blog marketing, Honey Baby company, marketing strategy
1引言 3
2微博营销概述 3
3蜜芽宝贝公司微博营销现状 3
4蜜芽宝贝公司微博营销存在的问题 4
4.1微博营销缺乏互动 4
4.2微博营销缺乏系统性 4
4.3微博营销缺乏情感交流 5
4.4微博营销手段单一 5
5蜜芽宝贝公司微博营销策略 6
5.1开展互动营销 6
5.2系统构建营销方案 7
5.3增强情感营销 7
5.4多元化营销活动 8
结 论 10
参 考 文 献 11
致 谢 12
互联网飞速发展下,引来了全球性的营销。各个行业随着互联网技术的发展,积极利用其对企业产品或服务的推广功能。特别是近年来社交网站“微博”平台的火热为企业营销开辟了新的战场,且竞争日趋激烈。其运营成本低、无时间空间限制、用户范围广以及能够同用户直接交流的特点使微博营销得到了更快的发展。企业想要在微博营销中取胜,就必须了解微博营销的功能、特点和微博传播规律等。 论文网
微博营销是指通过微博平台为商家、个人等创造价值而执行的一种营销方式,也是指商家或个人通过微博平台发现并满足用户的各类需求的商业行为方式[1]。 蜜芽宝贝公司微博营销对策分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_75891.html