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时间:2021-06-15 19:55来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Shanghai simple since it was founded in2007 ,adhere to high quality ,fresh,delicious to the business philosophy of development to the present development now has more than 30 stores .with the continuous development of social economy ,people demand for pastry food and food quality also gradually rise,the market gradually presented Christine ,wheat and so on a series of lucifer ,Chinese style pastry ,a lot of their appearance of simplicity ,has formed a threat.This paper used swot method to analyze marketing mode of the simple,in the face of a the strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,threats,and through the questionnaire analysis the marketing pattern of single promotion,promotion frequency was low,slow information feedback and poor service attitude,and put forward corresponding countermeasures to solve these problems.

Key words:Marketing approach,swot analysis ,marketing strategies,confectionery market


1 引言 3

2 营销模式 3

2.1面包店的传统营销模式 3

2.2面包店网络营销模式 3

2.3简朴森营销模式 4

3 简朴森SWOT分析 4

3.1简朴森营销模式面对的优势 4

3.2简朴森营销模式面对的劣势 5

3.3简朴森面对的机会 6

3.4简朴森面对的挑战 7

4 问卷设计与数据获取 8

4.1问卷设计 8

4.2基本数据整理 8

5简朴森营销中存在的问题 10

5.1促销活动单一,频率低 10

5.2信息反馈速度慢 10

5.3服务态度较差 10

6针对简朴森面包坊营销问题的对策 10

6.1丰富促销活动形式 10

6.2建立客户反馈信息系统 11

6.3做定期或不定期的员工服务意识培训 11

结 论 13

参 考 文 献 14

致 谢 15

附 录 16

1 引言

经济运转不断以平稳较快的速度上升,人民生活水平越来越进步,与此同时也就越来越讲求饮食了。随着人们健康观念的增强,绿色食品的偏好将逐渐成为流行。城市生活的节拍加速,人们加倍重注重空闲期间和安逸的生活环境,因此如像蛋糕点心等方便食物将会很受喜爱。麦当劳和肯德基就证明了这一点。新颖的甜点店,为不爱吃咸而爱吃甜点和爱喝饮料的消费者供应了一个轻便气氛的港湾。 简朴森营销方式分析与对策研究+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_76906.html
