Abstract: In this economic society, people know that the bank has a lot of home, on the current Yangzhou, large and small banks have added up to dozens of. Each bank has a bank card business, also launched a lot of activities, the use of a lot of marketing tools, such as promotional activities, business cooperation, etc.. In the growing competition in the banking industry, the postal savings bank to gain a competitive advantage, it is to analyze and reasonable use of marketing strategy, fully consider the customer, to provide customers with better and better services. This article will take the Yangzhou City Branch Post Office for the specific case, analysis of the business of the bank card marketing, put forward the problems in the marketing, and put forward the solution.
Keywords: marketing strategy,credit card,publicity, client
1 引言 4
2 李典邮政支局银行卡目标市场分析 4
2.1李典邮政简介 4
2.2李典邮政银行卡的目标市场 4
2.3李典邮政银行卡市场定位 5
3 李典邮政支局邮储银行卡的营销现状 5
3.1邮储产品 5
3.2邮储产品的价格 5
3.3银行卡的宣传促销 6
3.4银行卡的渠道模式 6
4 李典邮政支局营销策略中所存在的问题 7
4.1整体服务水平有待提高 7
4.2没有形成银行卡差异化 7
4.3宣传范围太小 7
4.4营销渠道过于单一 8
5 解决李典邮政支局营销问题的建议 8
5.1提高整体服务质量 8
5.2进行创新,与其他银行形成差异 9
5.3加强宣传力度,强调宣传内容 9
5.4采取虚实结合的营销模式 10
结束语 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13
1 引言
在经济得到日益发展的今天,人们从出行的方便性以及安全性的出发点进行考虑,都不会随身携带大量现金在身上。那么,人们会选择什么样的方式将自己的金钱财产带在身边呢,答案显而易见,就是银行卡。携带银行卡出门,可以有效地避免钱财的丢失以及被盗窃,可以保证财产的安全。另外,使用银行卡进行消费也是十分方便快捷的,只要在刷卡机上轻轻一刷就可以了。但是,在竞争日益激烈的银行行业中,邮政银行卡要取得自身的竞争优势,那么就要积极分析自身的营销策略,吸取别家银行的优点,另外还要不断完善营销策略,使自己在竞争中取得优胜。 扬州邮政支局邮政储蓄银行卡的营销分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_80187.html