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时间:2021-09-06 20:49来源:毕业论文

摘 要:我国摄影市场愈来愈激烈的竞争,使得扬中市金丽数码影楼的发展道路也愈加崎岖,同时顾客的重要性也逐渐凸显出来。本文以扬中市金丽数码影楼为研究对象,分析影楼当前的发展态势和所处困境,然后综合在校学习的市场营销知识和参考文献资料,设计出与金丽数码影楼相符合的顾客满意度测评指标体系。基于问卷调查数据,得出扬中市金丽数码影楼存在同行业竞争激烈、店铺位置不明显、摄影技术较落后等相关问题。据此提出能够提升扬中市金丽数码影楼顾客满意度的策略,以期能够为金丽数码影楼竞争力的提高和长久发展提供借鉴与指导依据。71732


Abstract:As the increasingly fierce competition of China photography market,the development path of Jinli Digital Studio is more rugged in Yangzhong City. The importance of customer also gradually emerges. We took Jin Li digital photo gallery in Yangzhong city as the research sample.The paper analyzed the development trend of photo marketing and represented the difficulties and dilemmas photo gallery owners are facing. Then the paper used comprehensive marketing knowledge learned in school and reference information to design a customer satisfaction evaluation system in accordance with Jin Li digital studio. Based on the survey data, issues like fierce competition in the industry, bad location, weakness photography skills and so on were derived. We have put forward this scheme into practice on Jin Li digital photo gallery to enhance the customer satisfaction strategy, in order to provide reference and guidance for improving competitiveness and long-term development of Jinli digital studio.

Keywords:customer satisfaction, digital studio, customer satisfaction evaluation, promotion strategy


1  前言 3

2  顾客满意度和顾客满意度测评 3

2.1  顾客满意度 3

2.2  顾客满意度测评 5

3  扬中市金丽数码影楼发展现状 6

3.1  扬中市金丽数码影楼简介 6

3.2  金丽数码影楼在扬中市的发展现状 6

4  金丽数码影楼顾客满意度测评及分析 7

4.1  金丽数码影楼顾客满意度测评指标体系设计 7

4.2  调查问卷设计 8

4.3  数据整理与分析 9

5  金丽数码影楼顾客满意度提升策略 12

5.1  摄影质量满意度的提升策略 12

5.2  摄影价格满意度的提升策略 13

5.3  摄影服务满意度的提升策略 14

5.4  顾客抱怨满意度的提升策略 15

结 论 16

参考文献 17

致 谢 18

附 录 19

1  前言

照相机的普及,摄影工具多样化、大众化的发展,互联网相关产业的强势入侵,使得现代摄影行业的内涵发生了重大变化。生活水平不断提高,物质富裕这一经济基础带来的是上层建筑即人们的审美观、价值观的改变,人们对美和享受生活的追求不断提高[ ]。这也导致许多消费者在摄影方面有了更高的要求,总希望在摄影中能呈现完美自己,能够得到令自己满意的照片。这些外在的变化因素都给摄影行业带来了冲击。论文网 扬中市金丽数码影楼顾客满意度提升策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_81424.html
