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时间:2021-09-16 21:18来源:毕业论文



Abstract:With the development of smart phones and the Internet, WeChat's emergence creats a new model of online marketing。 WeChat marketing is a kind of a peer to peer network instant marketing which appeared in the current network economy 。 As WeChat's popularity gathering a lot of popularity, there is a large number of potential value, therefore, enterprises use WeChat in various forms of promotional activities to achieve the purpose of publicity。 But with the addition of micro channel marketing, enterprises' quantity is continue increasing, some enterprises for micro channel marketing approach is not able to know throughly, resulting that their micro channel marketing with various problems and participate in a single model, established the propaganda effect。 This paper mainly taking about Auchan supermarket enterprise's micro channel marketing as the Object of study,accroding to research data and the enterprise micro channel marketing present situation to analyze the problem and put forward improving marketing strategy, maintain and develop customer method,so that WeChat marketing in the network economy era can create more efficiency for the enterprise。

Keywords:WeChat, network marketing, strategy, propaganda, solution


1 引言 3

1。1 研究背景 3

1。2 欧尚超市背景及行业情况 3

1。3 研究的内容及目的 3

2 扬州欧尚超市微信营销现状 4

2。1 扬州欧尚微信订阅号情况 4

2。2 扬州欧尚超市运营微信营销情况 4

2。3 欧尚微信营销较传统营销存在的优势 4

3 调查问卷设计的相关信息 5

3。1 调查对象 5

3。2 资料收集 5

3。3 问卷结果分析 5

4 扬州欧尚超市微信营销面临的问题分析 5

4。1 模式过于单一,宣传不到位 6

4。2 众多用户对微信营销的印象不好 7

4。3 推广产品混乱 7

4。4 专业性不够产生的问题 8

4。5 系统无回复功能,互动性不够灵活 9

5 微信营销旧策略的完善以及新策略的制定 10

5。1 丰富宣传方式,加大微信活动举办力度 10 欧尚超市企业微信营销策略:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_81898.html
