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时间:2021-11-07 20:23来源:毕业论文

摘要本文选取江苏作为研究和讨论的对象,监测该地区多年的干旱情况。江苏地处我 国东部,位于安徽东部,山东南部,浙江北部,地理位置相当重要,在该地区进行干 旱的动态监测,既有利于国民经济的平稳快速发展,又能够让政府及时了解旱情,制 定措施,提前做好抗旱准备。本文采用 MODIS 相关数据, 对 2001-2010 年江苏地区 的干旱情况进行研究,对数据进行相关的预处理和再加工,在此基础上建立 LST-NDVI 的特征空间,然后计算该区域的温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)。73974

结果表明:(1)从沿海向内陆延伸温度植被干旱指数明显增加。(2)总体来说, 温度植被干旱指数在正常范围内的地区偏多,没有出现或极少出现极湿润和极干旱的 情况。(3)干旱的情况主要出现在江苏南部的南京,无锡和苏州地区,江苏北部也 有少部分的干旱区域。这个结果也将成为该地区土壤湿润情况的监测指标。

毕业论文关键词:温度植被干旱指数,MODIS 数据,遥感,干旱监测,江苏

Abstract This paper selects Jiangsu as the object of research and discussion, monitoring the drought in the region for many years。 Jiangsu is located in the east of China, the agriculture and the economy are very developed, and the geographical position is very important。 Dynamic monitoring of drought in the region, which is conducive to the healthy development of the national economy, but also to allow the government to understand the situation in a timely manner, the development of measures to prepare for drought in advance。 This paper selected MODIS data and the data of pre treatment and processing, Research on the drought situation in Jiangsu area during 2001-2010。 constructs the LST-NDVI feature space based on, then calculate the region of temperature vegetation dryness index(TVDI)。

The results showed that: (1) the temperature vegetation drought index increased significantly from the coast to the inland。 (2) overall, the Temperature Vegetation Drought Index in the normal range of the region, there is no occurrence or very little extreme wet and extreme drought conditions。 (3) drought conditions are mainly in the south of Nanjing, Jiangsu, Wuxi and Suzhou region, there are a small part of the northern Jiangsu drought area。 This result will also become a monitoring index of soil moisture in the area。

Key words:temperature vegetation drought index, MODIS data, remote sensing, drought monitoring, Jiangsu


摘要 I

Abstract II

1 1

1。1 概述 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 1

1。3 研究区域概况 2

1。3。1 地理位置 3

1。3。2 地形地貌 3

1。3。3 气候特征 3

1。3。4 自然资源 3

1。4 研究内容与技术路线 4

2 研究数据与方法 5

2。1 数据来源 5

2。2 基于MODIS数据与TVDI指数的江苏省干旱变化动态分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_84424.html
