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时间:2021-12-26 16:33来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 乐视视频 品牌定位 互联网 

Research on the brand positioning of Letv Video

Abstract: With the rapid development of Chinese economic, culture and technology,the internet promotes a large amount of network enterprises and their development。 People turn to trust and rely on the internet and the relevant business。 Daily life is also related to internet closely。 In this industry with great demands and pressures, in order to avoid to be eliminated in the quick update market and stand out, network enterprises have to study their brand and position in the market。 A successful brand can show their advantages in the competitions,set the fortress of the brand, which can ensure the further development of the enterprise in the future。Take the domestic Internet brand Letv video as an example, this paper analyzes and studies the company profile, the company's existing brand positioning status and the existing problems。 Results show that Letv video brand has obtained certain achievements, and in constant development, but there are still some problems,there are a lot of gap between bat and international brand。The correct formulation and implementation of brand positioning is one of the most important factors to the international brand。

Key Words:Letv video,  brand positioning,  Internet

目       录

一、前言 1

(一)研究的背景 1

(二)研究的目的和意义 2

(三)理论综述 2

二、乐视视频公司概况 4

(一)发展史 4

(二)经营状况 5

三、乐视视频品牌定位 8

(一)乐视视频的最新品牌定位 8

(二)乐视视频品牌定位的不断升级 8

四、乐视品牌定位在经营中存在的问题 10

(一)品牌定位相关分析 10

(二)乐视品牌定位在经营中存在的主要问题 14

五、对乐视品牌定位经营问题提出意见 16

(一)组织各项活动,扩大品牌影响度 16

(二)放缓品牌扩张速度 16

(三)加强品牌销售和反馈机制 16

六、总结 17

参考文献 18

附录 乐视视频品牌定位研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_87479.html
