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时间:2022-01-01 10:05来源:毕业论文


Abstract:The Vigorous cross-border e-commerce that catalyzed by Internet and foreign trade has become a new growth point to promote the development of foreign trade in zhejiang province。 To maintain a healthy and stable and rapid development, cross-border e-commerce industry needs to have a strong talent security。 But as with all emerging industries, a serious shortage of talent restricted the healthy development of cross-border e-commerce in Zhejiang Province, especially the lack of payment, logistics, customs clearance, network and other comprehensive knowledge and skills of compound talents。 Currently the time of cross-border business development is relatively short, the urgent need for cross-border electricity business personnel training is still in the exploratory stage。 First, the thesis analyses the Zhejiang cross-border business development status and to talented person's demand, and detailed analyze the enterprise demand for jobs, demand levels, skills and professional quality requirements, in order to determine the culture how cross-border commercial talents。 Furthermore analyze and compare the existing personnel training mode, taking Hangzhou cross-border e-commerce as an example, to find the highlights and summarize the existing problems。 And then aimed at the problems, summing the reflection of a reasonable training programs from “school, industry, enterprise, government”。


  keyword:cross-border e-commerce;personnel training;cultivation strategy

目    录

1。引言 4

1。1 研究背景及意义 4

1。2 研究内容 4

1。3本文创新点 4

2。文献综述 4

2。1 浙江省跨境电商人才现状的相关研究 4

2。2 浙江省跨境电商人才培养策略的相关研究 5

2。3 研究中存在的问题 5

3。浙江省跨境电商人才培养环境分析 6

3。1 人才培养的优势 6

3。2 人才培养的劣势 7

3。3 人才培养的机遇 7

3。4 人才培养的威胁 7

4。实例研究——以杭州跨境电商为例 8

4。1以杭州跨境电商为研究案例的原因 8

4。2 杭州跨境电商人才培养现状和问题 9

4。3杭州市人才培养策略分析 浙江省跨境电商人才培养存在的问题及策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_87927.html
