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时间:2022-02-06 20:09来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 苏州,古镇保护与开发,城市化

Abstract In today's society, urbanization is more and more quickly, and great changes have taken place in social structure, protection and development of our country's ancient town also faced severe tests。 One is the ancient town landscape in the process of repairing authenticity; 2 it is undeveloped in the ancient town physical aging and what is happening in the ancient township personnel loss, decline of social structure。 How should we make town restore vitality, is the key point of this study。 First of all, we should correctly handle the relations between ancient town protection and development, on the one hand, should develop the economy inside the town, the town of economic recovery, and the development。 Another aspect, to protect the ancient town from each aspect, don't make the ancient culture can't live on。 System for the protection of the ancient town, old town protection standardization, institutionalization, make the town sustainable development bottom go to, let the permanent live on the history of ancient culture。

Key words: Suzhou ,The ancient town protection and development,   urbanization




1  引 言 1

2  古镇现状分析 3

3  苏州古镇保护与开发的重要性 4

3。1  保护的重要性 4

3。2  开发的重要性 4

3。3  保护与开发的协调发展 4

4  古镇保护与开发过程中存在的问题 5

4。1  古镇原样风貌正在被侵蚀 5

4。2  古镇文化正在被腐蚀 5

4。3  基础设施不完善 5

4。4  古镇保护意识不强 6

4。5  古镇保护体制不顺畅 7

4。6  古镇内人口逐渐向外流失 7

4。7  古镇特色的流失 8

5  解决方案 9

5。1  加强对古镇的保护  保持其原来风貌 9

5。2  制定科学的方法保证文化的传承 9

5。3  完善古镇内的基础设施 10

5。4  增强民众的保护意识 10

5。5  构建完善的保障体系 10

5。6  解决古镇的 “空心” 苏州古镇的保护开发与规划策略:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_89278.html
