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时间:2022-03-09 22:15来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:农村空巢老人  养老保障问题  老龄化

The research on the security of the empty nester in the Rural Areas

Abstract: Under the background of rapid economic development, the development of children's pursuit of career has become an inevitable trend, and the degree of aging has been increasing year by year。 The group of empty-nesters has been paid more and more attention。 The corresponding old-age security mechanism needs to be strengthened。 Rural empty nest elderly population base, low level of protection, limited coverage, so the problem of old-age security is more severe。 This paper summarizes the present situation of the current old-age security system and compares the gap between the rural and the city through the interview of the rural empty nesters in the suburbs of Shanghai, and the domestic and foreign literatures。 From the government, society, family three aspects, the collection of multi - force, learn from the more feasible pension model abroad, in line with the national conditions of the rural old - age security system。

Key words: rural empty nesters; elderly security problem; aging


一、绪论 1

(一) 研究背景和目的 1

(二) 研究意义 1

1、 现实意义 1

2、理论意义 2

二、文献综述 3

(一) 国外文献综述 3

(二) 国内研究现状 3

(三)发展趋势 5

三、基础理论 5

(一) 马斯洛需求理论 5

1、生理需求 5

2、安全需求 6

3、社交需求 6

4、尊重需求 6

5、自我实现需求 6

(二) 生命周期理论 7

1、个体生命周期 7

2、家庭生命周期 7

四、农村空巢老人养老基本情况调研 7

(一) 调查方法 7

1、问卷调查 7

2、访谈 8

(二) 调查对象 8

(三) 农村空巢老人养老现状 8

1、老年人居住地分布情况 8

2、老年人养老承担主体 9

3、生活来源 10

4、健康现状 10

5、精神现状 农村空巢老人的养老保障问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_90870.html
