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时间:2022-04-16 20:24来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 社会工作;择业意愿;择业影响因素

The Status and Influence Factor of Employment Intention among Undergraduate Social Work Students: Take S School as an Example

Abstract:Social work grows quickly as a new subject in China, especially after the revolution period。 There are more and more social problems coming up with the change of economic system, government cannot solve the problems effectively。 Social work helps the government to take the responsibilities。 Although social work is a career which has a bright future, the number of social work graduated students who choose job in social work field is less than students who choose other subject areas。 In this research, the researcher distributed questionnaires to social work students in one of the university in shanghai and randomly select 6 students to take interviews。 According to the research, salary, specialty identity degree and society identity degree are the most important factors which influence the students’ job choice。 Based on this result, the research will offer more suggestions to help social work agency to hire more professional employees。 

Keywords:social work;employment intention;Influence factors of employment intention 

目 录

引 言 1

一、文献综述与研究构思 1

(一)文献综述 1

1、目前相关研究的现状 1

2、本研究的发展趋势 3

(二)研究构思 3

1、核心概念的界定 3

2、研究目标与方案 4

3、研究方法 4

二、S高校社会工作专业学生择业意愿及影响因素问卷调查 5

(一)社会工作专业学生择业意愿与影响因素的数据与分析 5

1、基本信息分析 5

2、社会工作专业的社会认同度对学生择业的影响 5

3、薪资对学生择业的影响 7

4、社会工作专业认同度对学生择业的影响 8

(二)社会工作专业学生就业影响因素调查结论与分析 10

三、S高校社会工作专业学生的访谈情况 11

(一)访谈对象的基本情况 11

(二)访谈内容分析及总结 12

1、社会认同度对学生选择社会工作的影响 12

2、薪资福利对学生选择社会工作的影响 社会工作专业学生择业意愿及影响因素的研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_92676.html
