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时间:2022-05-04 08:25来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词 :微信营销  万达电影  快捷购票

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Wechat Marketing of Wanda Film Model Research               


Abstract Mobile Internet era today, WeChat, a social software, are deeply affects the way we live, wanda cinema line, the domestic cinema industry leader since 2013 to register and to promote their WeChat accounts, one begin WeChat scan code are rewarded, and a series of promotional activities, quickly realized the initial accumulation of fans。 Its simple design style, and convenient WeChat ticketing system, get the favour of the fans。 Created WeChat sunrise ticket quantity 8000。 Although wanda film made great achievements, but also found a lot of holes on WeChat marketing, such as the total number of public attention on the low side, daily promotion articles reading quantity is less, consulting service system is not perfect enough problems can make WeChat marketing effect。 According to these situation and problems, based on the 4 cs marketing theory model analyzes the wanda cinema in the ticket is convenient, affordable, rich online consulting service system to meet the needs of the consumers, pay attention to interact with fans are its successful reason; The original article reading quantity is low, not form a influential fans interactive platform, these factors restrict the wanda cinema WeChat marketing effect。 Therefore improve the content creators WeChat ID attention, create communication platform, and constantly improve service information platform is the direction in the future。


WeChat marketing  wanda movie  Quick buy tickets

目  次

1  绪论 1

1。1  研究背景 1

1。2  研究意义 2

1。3  研究方法 2

2   理论基础 4

2。1  4Cs理论概述 4

2。2  4Cs营销理论分析 5

3  万达电影微信公众号介绍 7

3。1  万达电影微信服务号介绍 7

3。2  万达电影微信营销内容 万达电影的微信营销模式研究4Cs模型:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_93420.html
