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时间:2022-07-16 16:45来源:毕业论文

摘要: 本文以日本日托养老服务模式为案例,采用文献法、比较法等方法,通过对比国内外养老产业模式,探讨我国当前养老状况、养老模式的选择、养老产业状况及发展趋势。本文结合老年社会保障理论等理论,分析了国内外常见的养老产业模式,并重点参照日本的实际情况,分析日本日托养老服务的实践过程,总结反思日托养老服务存在的法律法规缺失、责任定位不明确,现有服务内容不完善,组织形式单一,社会参与度不高,资金匮乏,管理和服务人员素质不高,缺乏专业技能等问题。并从政府角度,为政府完善日托养老服务体系提出了出台相关法律法规及政策,加强对老年人需求的调查,了解行业缺口,重视服务定位,引入社会力量和民间资本,加强监督和人员培训等针对性建议。82286

毕业论文关键词: 日托养老;日本;养老服务

The enlightenment of Japanese elderly day care service to China

Abstract: In this paper, the Japanese elderly day care service model is used as a case。 It uses the documentary method, comparative method, through comparing the model of aged industry both in China and abroad, to discuss the current status of China, selection of supporting model for the aged, and the status and development tendency of aged industry。 This paper combines with some theories such as the theory of aged social security, analyzes the common aged industry both in China and abroad, and focuses on the situation of Japan, analysis the practice process of Japanese elderly day care service, summarizes the problems of aged social service such as lack of laws and regulations, the uncertain responsibility localization, the faultiness of existing services, single organizational form, social participation is not high, lack of funds, the managers and server’s quality is not high, the lack of professional skills and so on。 And from the perspective of the government, it makes some specific suggestions for government to improve the elderly day care service system, such as introducing some relevant laws, regulations and policies, enhancing to investigate the demands of the elderly, understanding the trade gap, pay attention to service orientation, introducing social forces and private capital, strengthening supervision and personnel training and so on。

Key words: elderly day care service ;Japan; service for the aged

目  录

一、绪论 1

(一)研究方法 1

(二)研究意义 1

(三)研究背景 1

1、人口老龄化 1

2、日托养老模式的探索 2

(四)文献综述 2

二、日托养老服务的基础内涵及发展的必要性 3

(一)日托养老服务的内涵 3

(二)日托养老服务的特征 3

(三)我国日托养老模式存在的问题 3

1、法律法规的缺失 3

2、服务内容不完善 3

3、组织形式太过单一 4

(四)借鉴日本日托养老模式的必要性 4

三、日本日托养老服务模式的介绍 4

(一)法律体系 4

(二)服务内容 5

(三)组织形式 日本日托养老服务对我国的启示:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_96499.html
