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时间:2023-11-26 14:31来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Polypropylene is an important member of thermoplastic synthetic resin。 The consumption of polypropylene grows sharply in China。 However, the capacity and production can not satisfy the market demand in China, and the domestic market foreground is very vast。 Therefore, annual output of 400,000 tons of polypropylene production process is designed with propane, hydrogen and ethylene as the raw materials。 The project has six sections including propane purification, propane dehydrogenation, propylene purification, prepolymerization, polymerization reaction and polypropylene purification。 Based on the results of process simulations, a series of results and operation parameters for towers, reactors, tanks, pumps and compressors are obtained in the process of the design, selection and check。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

Keywords: polypropylene, equipment design, selection, check


1  前言 3

2  塔 4

2。1  概述 4

2。2  塔型分类 4

2。3  设计原则 4

2。4  设计结果 11

2。4。1  丙烷分离塔(T-0101) 11

2。4。2  碳二分离塔(T-0301) 26

2。4。3  丙烯分离塔(T-0302) 26

2。4。4  乙烯气提塔(T-0601) 27

2。5  塔设备设计参数一览表 28

3  反应器 28

3。1  概述 28

3。2  选型原则 28

3。3  反应器分类和比较 28

3。4  丙烷脱氢反应器(R-0201) 31

3。4。1  催化剂选择 31

3。4。2  反应器设计 36

3。5  反应器设计参数一览表 42

4  储罐 42

4。1  概述 42

4。2  设计依据 42

4。3  储罐类型 42

4。4  设计过程 43

4。5  储罐设计参数一览表 44

5  泵 44

5。1  概述 44

5。2  泵类型与特点 45

5。3  选型原则 46

5。4  液化气进料泵(P-0101) 年产40万吨聚丙烯项目设备设计与选型:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_199007.html
