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时间:2024-05-21 21:58来源:95442




Abstract:In this paper, the morphology and particle size of CuCo2S4 nanocrystals were investigated by changing the liquid environment of solvent thermal reaction, and the capacitance of CuCo2S4 nanocrystals was investigated.The effect of solvent type, dispersant and oil bath time on the morphology and particle size of CuCo2S4  nanocrystals was  studied by controlling the variables, and the capacitance was changed.The morphology and  particle size of the prepared CuCo2S4 nanocrystals were analyzed by XRD phase analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the capacitance of the electrode was further  analyzed by cyclic voltammetry (CV), constant current charge and discharge test (GCD) and electrochemical impedance (EIS).

Considering all aspects of factors,we can conclued that the content of CuCo2S4 nanocrystals prepared by glycerol solvent environment is smaller than that of ethylene glycol solvent environment, and the electrode capacitance is larger,dispersant can effectively reduce the particle size of CuCo2S4 nanocrystals and the size of CuCo2S4 nanocrystals increases with the prolongation of oil bath time.Therefore, in the solvent environment by adding glycerol, dispersant, oil bath time 10h can be prepared the most ideal active substances.

Keywords:Sulfide;double layer;CuCo2S4 nanocrystals;supercapacitor


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.1.1背景 1

1.1.2超级电容器概述 1

1.1.3新型储能器件的研究 3

1.1.4超级电容器研究概况 4

1.1.5超级电容器电极材料分类 6

1.2本文选题意义 8

1.2.1金属硫化物 8

1.2.2本文选题的意义 9

1.3研究内容 10

第二章实验与测试 11

2.1原材料 11

2.2实验仪器 11

2.3CuCo2S4活性物质合成配方 12

2.4实验内容 13

2.4.1活性物质制备 13

2.4.2活性物质的提纯 13

2.4.3电极的制备 14

2.5性能测试 铜钴双金属硫化物超级电容器的制备:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_203941.html
