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时间:2018-12-22 21:04来源:毕业论文

本设计任务为:某焦化厂年产焦炭约120万吨,其产生的废水经混合后总水量约60m3/h。污水水质CODcr:~3000mg/L,BOD5:~800mg/L挥发酚:~350mg/L,氰化物:~10mg/L,NH3-N:~160mg/L,石油类:~28mg/L。确定的焦化废水处理工艺技术及经济均可行,外排水要求符合《炼焦化学污染物排放标准》(GB16171-2012)中的直接排放标准。即:CODcr:≤80mg/L, 挥发酚:≤0.3mg/L,氰化物:≤0.2mg/L, NH3-N:≤10mg/L,石油类:≤10mg/L,pH:6~9
为了污水能达标排放,本设计采用厌氧-缺氧-好氧法( A/A/O法)工艺处理焦化废水。污水处理流程如下:由生产车间产生的焦化废水流入格栅房,再到集水井,之后进入隔油池、调节池、气浮池进行预处理,经过AAO反应池处理后,再进入二沉池进行沉淀,接着进入混凝沉淀池,最后进入消毒池经过液氯消毒后排放。
Design of a coking wastewater treatment process
General Design Description: China's coke annual output of about one trillion and thirty million tons, of which the engine room output of about seventy million tons, about 200 of different scale coking plant, is now the world's first coke production power. So the problem of coking wastewater treatment in the industry is getting more and more attention.. The wastewater containing phenol, cyanide, oil, ammonia nitrogen and other toxic and harmful substances in coking process is produced.. Coking wastewater mainly comes from the purification process of coking and gas and the refining process of chemical products, and the main source of ammonia generated during the process of vapor helium is the main source of ammonia.. Ammonia evaporation wastewater is the wastewater which is discharged by the mixture of ammonia and ammonia distillation.. Coking wastewater contains high concentrations of organic matter and ammonia nitrogen, it is difficult to biochemical treatment, how to deal with coking wastewater has been a hot domestic and foreign attention. Domestic research on coking wastewater began in the early 90 "s, AAO is the mainstream technology of coking wastewater treatment.
This paper describes the source, composition and hazard of the coking wastewater, reviewed the domestic several major coking wastewater treatment technology, the accessory method, chemical method and biological method three aspects were reviewed in recent years at home and abroad about coking wastewater treatment advances in technology, analysis the existing processing method of the advantages and disadvantages and the existing problems 某焦化废水处理工艺设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_28088.html