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时间:2020-11-24 21:35来源:毕业论文

摘要本课题在模拟重型汽车水箱工作条件的基础上,对现有的缓蚀阻垢剂配方进行了分析及改良。采用重量法并通过改变投加量及pH值研究了高温下缓蚀剂对铁、铜、铝的缓蚀性能。结果表明,硝酸钠、亚硝酸钠、钼酸钠、苯并三氮唑、硅酸钠、癸二酸和四硼酸钠的复配缓蚀阻垢剂具有较好的缓蚀阻垢性能。较佳的复配药剂投加量分别为:硝酸钠 700mg/L、亚硝酸钠 1200 mg/L、钼酸钠 600 mg/L、苯并三氮唑 100 mg/L、硅酸钠 400 mg/L、癸二酸 300 mg/L、四硼酸钠 500 mg/L。59865

关键词  水处理 缓蚀剂  复配缓蚀剂  重量法


Title  Development of corrosion inhibitor for heavy car tank                   

Abstract On the basis of simulating working conditions of heavy car tanks, this paper focuses on the analysis and improvement of the existing corrosion inhibitor formulations. The corrosion inhibition performance on iron, copper and aluminum at high temperature of the developed corrosion inhibitors were studied by gravimetric mrthod with different dosages. The results showed that the composite inhibitor composed of sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite, sodium molybdate, benzotriazole, sodium silicate, sodium tetraborate, and sebacic acid showed rather good performance, and the dosage was: sodium nitrate, 700 mg/L; sodium nitrite, 1200 mg/L; sodium molybdate, 600 mg/L; benzotriazole, 100 mg/L; sodium silicate, 400 mg/L; sebacic acid, 300 mg/L; and sodium tetraborate, 500 mg/L.

Keywords  Water treatment  Corrosion inhibitor  Composite corrosion inhibitor  Gravimetric method   

目  录

1  引言 1

1.1  缓蚀阻垢剂的研究背景 1

1.2  缓蚀阻垢剂的介绍 2

1.2.1  缓蚀剂 2

1.2.2  阻垢剂 3

1.3  几种常见的缓蚀阻垢剂 4

1.3.1  钼酸钠 4

1.3.2  HEDP 4

1.3.3  ATPM 4

1.3.4  BTA 5

1.3.5  PAA 5

1.3.6  AA/AMPS 5

1.3.7  亚硝酸钠 5

1.3.8  硝酸钠 5

1.3.9  苯甲酸钠 5

1.4  本论文的主要研究内容及意义 5

2  实验部分 6

2.1  实验药品及仪器 6

2.2  试片的预处理 8

2.4  储备液的配制 8

2.5  缓蚀阻垢剂的复配 10

2.5.1  钼酸钠、HEDP、硫酸锌、BTA的复配(配方1) 10

2.5.2  钼酸钠、ATMP、硫酸锌、BTA的复配(配方2) 10

2.5.3  钼酸钠、ATMP、硫酸锌、BTA的复配(配方3) 10

2.5.4  HEDP、ATMP、PAA、BTA的复配(配方4) 11

2.5.5 氯化钙、碳酸氢钙 HEDP、ATMP、PAA、BTA的复配(配方5) 11

2.5.6  钼酸钠、苯甲酸钠、ATMP、AA/AMPS、BTA、硅酸钠的复配(配方6) 重型汽车水箱用缓蚀阻垢剂的开发:http://www.youerw.com/huaxue/lunwen_65207.html
